The Simpsons Annuals
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- See Simpsons Comics (UK) for general information and details of other Simpsons comic series in the UK.
- See Bart Simpson Annuals For For The Bart Simpson Annuals.
The Simpsons Annuals
Comic Series Information
The Simpsons Annuals in the UK have been published by Titan Magazines since August 28, 2009. They are mostly filled with The Simpsons Winter Wingding Stories
- This series continues from Simpsons Comics Winter Wingding (UK)
- Comic size is approximately A4 in size.
- A lot more words In the UK Version are censored.
- 2 Annual's is Published Every Year, A Simpsons One And A Bart Simpson One.
Release date
The Simpsons Annual 2010
Yes, Flanders, There is a Santa Claus Scared Straight...To Jail Not A (Green, Slimy) Creature Was Stirring Bart Simpson in: Brave Bart Otto's Gnarly Snowboarder's Glossary Hibernatin' Homer
August 28, 2009
Jessica Lovejoy Says "Make Mine a Squishee Conversation Starters Bart's List of Truly Unspeakable Words and Phrases Yuk-ingham Palace Milhouse van Houten Presents a Guy's Guide to Going Out with Gals We Dare you to Find a Better Cola! Lisa's List of Utterly Reprehensible Words and Phrases Homer J. Simpson Presents a Gentleman's Guide to Etiquette Conversation Stoppers
The Simpsons Annual 2011
Off the Grid Itchy & Scratchy in Are We There, Yeti? The Landfill of Forbidden Toys Lisa Simpson in Reading Night Bart Simpson in Computer Hackles Oh, Plow, Where Art Thou? Itchy and Scratchy in Lead it Bleed 'Twas the Eve Before Christmas
August 27, 2010
The Leftorium (The Simpsons Annual 2011) What's Washing? Crossword Homer Simpson presents A Gourmet's Guide to Fine Dining Homer's List of Disguistingly Unmentionable Words and Phrases Marge's List of Mildly Disapproved of Words and Phrases Zyflux Busy Bee Puzzles! Moe Problems - Moe Puzzles Springfield Retirement Castle Lard Lad Donuts
The Simpsons Annual 2012
A Simpleton Plan Freezer Burns One Flu Over Springfield The Simpson Family Christmas Cards Getting There is Half the Battle It's a Wonderful Slice ...The Sno-Bliterator! Lisa Simpson in: that's SO glavin!
August 26, 2011
The Simpsons Annual 2013
Guardian Snow Angel Grampa's Christmas Origins: Christmas Cards The Iceman Cometh Grampa's Christmas Origins: Christmas Carols Billion Dollar Butt-Ski Grampa's Christmas Origins: Christmas Cookies There's No Such Thing as Free Shipping Ralph vs. The Wild Fort Knocks VSI: Valentive Scene Investigators Maggie's Crib 18 It's Snow Game!
August 24, 2012
The Simpsons Annual 2014
Kiss Me, Bart Simpson! Grampa's Christmas Origins: Christmas Lights Gift Exchange Mayor Maggie Grampa's Christmas Origins: Christmas Eggnog 'Tisn't the Season The Case of the Sax Solo Saboteur Grampa's Christmas Origins: Christmas Trees The More, the Merrier! Hole Lotta Trouble Chest Guts Roasting
August 9, 2013
The Simpsons Annual 2015
Everybody Loves a Parade A Load of Trouble Pete Za Party One Flew Over the Retirement Castle Bear Patrol II: Polar Excess Fort Knocks D.I.Y. Homer
September 5, 2014