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The Simpsons: Tapped Out Superheroes content update was released on February 18, 2015, under a new app version 4.13.0. This event follows on from the hint players were receiving Fallout Boy in Valentine's Day 2015. There will be three prize tracks in this event, like Halloween 2014. The event is split into four parts, theretically five with a "Crossover" planned. There is also crafting enabled at the Android's Dungeon, and Personal Prizes for each part. The event will end on March 31, 2015.
The premise of the event is Criminals invading Springfield. Part One of the event began on February 17, 2015 at 8am (GMT). Part Two will begin on February 22 at 8am, Part Three on March 10 at 8am, the "Crossover" starts on March 23 at 9am, Part Four begins March 24 at 8am, and the event ends March 31 at 8am.
Carbon Rods and Freeze Rays are currency (presumably for Part 1).
The first version of the event was released on February 18, 2015, file-named: "v4_13_SUPERHEROES_PATCH1_PRELAUNCH".
This update contains a new, event-exclusive cutscene which formulates the questline, which means that the update will require needing access to "Photos/Media/Files" on Android devices prior to installing.
After installing there is a 13.5MB update, then a 32.2MB, then a 430.4MB. There is a new font and dialogue layout (system messages also). There is new ambient music.
Unlock message
Fallout Boy
Unlocks with Superior Squad HQ.
Unlocks with Crap Silo
The Collider
I turn out to be a good guy!
Personal Prize.
Dr Colossus
Not a real doctor.
Personal Prize.
Petroleus Rex
Unlock with Tar Pits
Radioactive Man
Unlock with Beach House
Unlock message
Unlocks with Bartman Cave.
Personal Prize.
The Collector
Comic Book Guy
Personal Prize.
Pie Man
Building time
Character(s) unlocked when built
Montgomery Burns State Prison
Personal Prize.
Superior Squad HQ
Fallout Boy
National Bank of Springfield
Personal Prize.
Death Mountain
Personal Prize.
Zenith City Times
Zenith City Apartments
"ZenithCityApartment1" in the code.
Zenith City Lofts
"ZenithCityApartment2" in the code.
Zenith City Store Front
"ZenithCityApartment3" in the code.
Crap Silo
Tar Pits
Petroleus Rex
Botanical Garden
Bartman Cave
Beach House
Radioactive Man
Air Fortress
Construction Site
Kane Manor
Zenith City Phone Booth
Super Jeb
Personal Prize.
Wrecked Brown House
The Death of a Hero
The Death of a Hero Pt. 1
After logging into your town:
System Message (top left)
Somewhere in Springfield, a new evil rises!
Mmm... Pie.
Homie, come back to bed. You're sweets-walking again.
Mmm... must fling pie!
Homer! Where are you going?
... PIE!!
Task: Make Homer Fling Pies Indoors (30m, Simpson House) After task finishing:
Kids, have you seen your father? He was acting funny in bed last night. And it wasn't Jimmy Fallon funny.
I just hope he passes out somewhere safe.
 After pressing "OK" you are taken to the "Vigilantes" character collection. After clicking back arrow or cross: Quest reward: 100 and 10
The Death of a Hero Pt. 2
After tapping on Pie Man's exclamation mark:
System Message (top left)
Meanwhile. On the other side of town...
Lenny, look! It's our fruit-filled friend, Pie Man!
I know it ain't pie, but could you autograph my sandwich, Pie Man?
File:Pie Man Icon.png
Arghh!! You pie'd my eye! Why Pie Man? Why?
Task: Make Pie Man Fling Indiscriminate Pies at Springfielders (4h) After task finishing:
System Message (top left)
All across Springfield...
Instead of my morning muffin, my wakeup call was a pie in the puss.
Someone hob-cobblered our house of worship! What Pontius Pie-lat dares wash their hands of this?
The greatest insult of all - my own putrid pies thrown back at me!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
The Death of a Hero Pt. 3
After tapping on Lisa's exclamation mark:
Dad, I mean... um, Dad-man, I mean... Pie-Dad, I mean...
Could we stop pretending the passed-out guy smeared with pie filling and "Homer" in Magic Marker on his underwear isn't Dad?
I don't get it. Pie Man is supposed to be putting a crimp in this city's bad crust.
System Message (top left)
What turned the right-minded Pie Man into a wrong-doing super-dud?
System Message (top left)
Looks like it's up to Radioactive Man and Fallout Boy to take a slice out of Pie Man's crimes
Task: Build the Superior Squad HQ (4h)
The Death of a Hero Pt. 4
After tapping on Fallout Boy's exclamation mark:
File:Fallout Boy Icon.png
Heapin' high blood pressure! That forty-eight waist-product is acting strange, Radioactive Man.
File:Radioactive Man Icon.png
You're right. It's obvious he's under the influence of some kind of mind-control ray!
File:Radioactive Man Icon.png
We need to locate the source and destroy it!
File:Radioactive Man Icon.png
Up and atom, Fallout Boy!
Boy, I'm about to "fall out" of this story. What's going on?
The beauty of comic books is that you don't waste time explaining. That makes the confusing ending more satisfying!
Task: Make Fallout Boy Destroy the Mind Control Ray (6s, Brown House) Task: Make Sure NOTHING Bad Happens! (6s, Brown House) On job start:
File:Fallout Boy Icon.png
I'll use my Fallout Boy powers to push the button on this Mind Control Ray.
File:Radioactive Man Icon.png
Wait, Fallout Boy! NO!!
Video starts File:Tapped Out Quest failed.png Upon tapping:
System Message
...and to think you thought this was a casual game!
File:Fallout Boy Icon.png
Radioactive Man is dead and it's all because of my dumb button-thumping finger.
Huh?... Whah?... A pie in my hand?! All in all, not the worst way to wake up from a black out.
File:Fallout Boy Icon.png
... and to add insult to terminal injury we didn't even cure this poor man of his pie obsession.
Umm... no... he's back to normal... *nervous laugh*
A New Hero Rises
A New Hero Rises Pt. 1
After tapping on Fallout Boy's exclamation mark:
File:Fallout Boy Icon.png
What does a sidekick do when the hero he kicked sides for is dead?
File:Tapped Out Criminal Icon.png
Radioactive Man is dead?! Criminals, crooks, and punks of all sizes the town is ours for the taking!
Won't someone please think of the children?!
Umm, Fallout Boy? I think that's your cue to be all heroic and stuff.
File:Fallout Boy Icon.png
But I can't. Behind this mask is just a scared 32 year-old boy.
System Message
Crime is running rampant! With Radioactive Man dead and Fallout Boy turned yellow, who will save Springfield?!
System Message
This looks like a job for... um... um...
How bout The Sky Finger, lame-wad?
The Sky Finger! Of course! The nose-picking pointer of hope and justice!
Task: Tap on Criminals to Arrest Them [x20]
File:Fallout Boy Icon.png
Look! In the sky! It's the Dynamic Digit of good deeds!
File:Tapped Out Criminal Icon.png
The boss ain't going to like this. He needs those carbon rods for his master plan!
A New Hero Rises Pt. 2
A New Hero Rises Pt. 3
After tapping on Fallout Boy's exclamation mark:
File:Fallout Boy Icon.png
A good sidekick can become a great sidekick with an arsenal of snappy catchphrases.
File:Fallout Boy Icon.png
By combining witty wordplay with my agile athleticism I'll be in tip-top fighting form alongside Sky Finger!
System Message
File:Tapped Out Dr. Crab Black Icon.png
Hmm. It seems my little "accident" has one more survivor than I'd anticipated.
File:Tapped Out Dr. Crab Black Icon.png
No matter. This half-pint hiccup won't interrupt my evil.
Task: Make Fallout Boy Devise New Exclamations (8h, Superior Squad HQ) Task: Make Fallout Boy Practice His Moves (4h, Superior Squad HQ)
Personal Prizes
- 400 Carbon Rods
- Burns State Prison
- Clownface
- National Bank of Springfield
- The Collector
- Dr. Colossus
- Super Jeb
- Death Mountain
- The Collider
- ?
- -1 FreezeRays
- ?
- -1 FreezeRays
- ?
- -1 FreezeRays
Tapped Out Superheroes New Font and Icons.png
Other changes made