Balls of Glory
Tapped Out Quest Information
Balls of Glory is an event-exclusive questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Tap Ball content update. It unlocked Pin Pal Apu.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Referee Homer's exclamation mark
I need players for Tap Ball, America’s fastest-growing-sport (as measured by bench-clearing brawls).
Here's the sign up sheet. See? It's already got my name, Lisa's name, and Flanders.
Well that doesn't look like my hand writing, but I'm always willing to get physical with my favorite neighbour.
Sports is my only escape from my crushing family life. I'm in!
Amen to that brother!
We officially have enough players to play Tap Ball!
New Character Skin: Pin Pal Apu
Task: "Play Tap Ball".
Hey fatso! Your team needs more jocks like me. I'm going to be a superstar Tap Ball player.
How many millions of dollars do those jerks make?
Zero! You play for free! Being part of Professional Tap Ball is its own reward!
After all, this is a sport that's steeped in tradition, having been founded over three missions ago.
Wait a second. You got a ton of sponsorship money. Why can't you use some of that to pay your players?
How about instead of money, I pay you with something much more valuable.
…er, what if, INSTEAD, I pay you in something else?
Something called…uh… “Amateur Bucks!” Redeemable everywhere that accepts pretend money!
Now we're talking!
Football Nelson is now available in the store!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After completing Pt. 1
That was fun, but I'm more out of breath than an atheist attempting to disprove God's existence.
Come on! We can play again! More games mean more money!
I'm tired, too. Just give us some time to rest.
You could rest, or you could drink one of our sponsor's products in front of the camera!
Put those hard earned Amateur Bucks to use!
Your players need to rest between games. Unlock more Tap Ball players to play games more often.
Obesotade is now available in the Amateur Shop. Use it to energize your players immediately!
Task: "Buy Obesotade". Task: "Recharge Your Players and Play Tap Bal".
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After completing Pt. 2
Task: "Win Tap Ball Games".
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Soccer Lisa's exclamation mark:
Tap Ball is fun, but how can you start a league with just one town?
We'll start a rivalry with another Springfield. I still haven't forgiven those guys for raiding our castles last summer
To be fair, we raided them, too.
Well, to be unfair… let's get ‘em!
Tap the flag icon to randomly matchmake or open the event hub and choose the Play Tap Ball tab to choose an opponent.
Task: "Play Tap Ball in Another Springfield".
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Ned's exclamation mark
What a fun game, neighboreeno! Even when we lose, it's a hum-dinger!
You are the LAST person I'd expect to be okay with losing, Flanders!
Your buddy the Lord never lost a fight in his life! That guy peeled himself off the carpet and came back swinging!
I'm not sure about your Biblical reading, there. “Turn the other cheek,” and all that. Plus the whole sacrificing himself thing…
He was the ultimate warrior! And I will follow his example!
Task: "Rematch Another Springfield".
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 6
After completing Pt. 5
Task: "Win Tap Ball Games in Another Springfield" (x10).
Quest reward: 100 and 10