To Tomb or Not to Tomb
Tapped Out Quest Information
To Tomb or Not to Tomb is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Treehouse of Horror XXIX content update. It requires the Cursed Tomb to be obtained.
After tapping on Amenhotep's exclamation mark
So, I awake from my sleep into what I can only assume is the afterlife.
Looks like the curse on my tomb kept the looters away…
Golden chariot is there… canopic jars full of my own mummified guts-
Hey, they were supposed to sacrifice my vizier so I’d have a servant in the afterlife.
Now where’d he sneak off to?
Task: "Make Amenhotep Search for His Sacrificed Vizier". The job takes place at the Cursed Tomb and takes 4 hours.
Well, no sign of that lazy scarab-sucker. Should’ve drowned him in the Nile years ago.
Time to exit this tomb and check out the afterlife.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Amenhotep's exclamation mark
This afterlife is way better than the priests promised. And those guys lay it on thick.
Don’t see any other pharaohs. They must have headed to a big party
Well, the priests said that everything I would see would belong to me, so guess I better help myself.
Hey! It says, “take a penny”, not take everything.
Task: "Make Amenhotep Collect Worldly Possessions". The job takes place at Shops and takes 4 hours.
You say it's a "tablet", but how do you carve hieroglyphics into it?
It's a myPad. You just download a hieroglyphics app.
Are you a sacred scarab? ‘Cause you’re really bugging me.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Amenhotep's exclamation mark
Truly this afterlife is marvelous. Winged chariots fly across the sky…
Ambrosia flows from the spigots named “Squishee”. And hideous demons offer me gifts.
Please don’t hurt me! Take my hoverboard!
Poor thing. What crime did you commit that the gods made your nose swell up and placed glass circles over your eyes?
I ask myself that question every day.
Task: "Make Amenhotep Enjoy Modern Gadgets". The job takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Wiggum's exclamation mark
Hey you, bandage boy. You can’t just walk out of the store with a cart full of stuff you didn’t pay for.
What is this thing? He is fat like a eunuch, but obnoxious like a scribe.
Return those items. Don’t make me haul you downtown!
Seriously, it’s a long way downtown and I was about to grab some lunch.
Maybe this isn’t the afterlife after all. In which case, I better get this stuff back to the pyramid!
Task: "Make Amenhotep Hoard Possessions". The job takes place at the Cursed Tomb and takes 8 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Amenhotep's exclamation mark
I return to my long sleep, awaiting resurrection in the land of my Gods.
My possessions are locked away, and the curse is laid on my tomb.
All that remains is to sacrifice one small servant to accompany to the afterlife.
Hey, you promised me spiced ibis. I don’t see any wading birds at all.
Task: "Make Amenhotep Prepare a Sacrifice". The job takes place at the Cursed Tomb and takes 24 hours. Task: "Make Milhouse Consider a New Future". The job takes place at the Cursed Tomb and takes 4 hours.
Well, one thing never changes, even in five thousand years.
It’s very hard to get a good servant.
Quest reward: 200 and 20
Behind the Laughter[edit]
The quest name is a reference to the quote "to be, or not to be" from the William Shakespeare play Hamlet.