Tapped Out Quest Information
Wanderlust is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Treehouse of Horror XXIX content update. It requires Springfield Cursed Forest to be obtained.
After tapping on Beatrice's exclamation mark
I'm a young, carefree teenager, and I like to make-out with my boyfriend.
Beatrice! You're embarrassing me. You know that makes me go super-zit...
Come on, let's have an adventure tonight!
You'll have to go by yourself. I'm cleaning Krustyburger bits out of the apple pie fryer.
Task: "Make Beatrice Have a Night on the Town". The job takes place at Bars or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Springfield has so much to offer for a carefree teenager.
I just wish my squeaky-voiced boyfriend, Jeremy, could be here.
I think I'll grab a delicious Krusty Burger while my youthful metabolism can still handle it.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Beatrice's exclamation mark
It's a beautiful day, Jeremy, let's go for a hike.
I'm exhausted. I've been on my feet for fourteen solid hours at Krusty Burger.
You're saying no to a girlfriend?
I'm tired, not stupid.
Great! Let's go for a walk in the Cursed Forest.
Are you crazy? We're a teenage couple. We're the first people to get killed in scary places.
Then I should be safe if I go alone!
Task: "Make Beatrice Go for a Hike". The job takes 4 hours.
Hiking the Cursed Forest is positively enchanting!
No sounds but the howl of wolves, snapping twigs, and heavy breathing.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Beatrice's exclamation mark
This Cursed Forest is giving me the creeps.
I keep hearing these odd little explosions.
That's me. The branches keep hitting me in the face and popping my zits.
Jeremy, you came for me!
I couldn't let you go into the forest alone.
Luckily we found rats in Krusty's Krunchy Salad Bar, so I got the afternoon off.
Task: "Make Beatrice Admire Her Boyfriend". The job takes place at Springfield Cursed Forest and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Beatrice's exclamation mark
I don't think we're alone in the Cursed Forest!
I hear strange eerie music, and voices speaking words I don't understand.
You run! Leave me here.
You're staying behind to protect me!
No, I just can't run. I have shin splints from standing behind a counter all day.
Task: "Make Beatrice Escape the Forest". The job takes place at Springfield Cursed Forest and takes 8 hours.
Poor brave Jeremy. Stayed behind for my sake.
I'll always remember him, every time I order a Krusty Burger Double Deluxe.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Beatrice's exclamation mark
Jeremy! You're made it out of the Cursed Forest alive.
Yeah. Turned out, the eerie music and strange muttering we heard was...
A Scotsman practicing his bagpipes.
The Cursed Forest is the only place they'll let me play! *angry muttering*
That's wonderful. Then we can go back to hiking in the forest again.
Task: "Make Beatrice Dance to the Bagpipes". The job takes place at Springfield Cursed Forest and takes 8 hours.
What fun! Hanging out with a burger tossing boyfriend and an angry Scotsman.
On second thought, maybe this really is a cursed forest.
Quest reward: 200 and 20