
Declaration of Co-Dependence

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Declaration of Co-Dependence
Tapped Out Quest Information
Level: 5
Update: July 4th 2014
Required characters: George Washington
Next quest(s): Ye Olde Cherry Tree

Declaration of Co-Dependence is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the July 4th 2014 content update. It requires George Washington to be obtained.


Pt. 1[edit]

After tapping on George Washington's exclamation mark
George Washington "Previous to the execution of any official act of the President--"
Lisa - Happy Mr. Washington, you've been brought forward in time to the town of Springfield, in America.
Lisa It seems to happen to ex-Presidents a lot.
George Washington - Serious Forward in time? How old is America?
Lisa Two hundred and forty-two years.
George Washington - Serious‎ You're kidding me, right? That's a joke? Because I told Jefferson I gave this country a decade. Tops.
George Washington He was all: "Liberty is mankind's natural state!" And I was "Yada yada yada... ten years, chump. Bank on it."
George Washington Still, it's cool to be wrong! So, tell me about this town.
Lisa Springfield is named after its founder, Jebediah Springfield.
Lisa - Deadpan You would've known him as 'Hans Sprungfeld' in your time.
George Washington - Serious‎ SPRUNGFELD?! THAT GUY HAS A TOWN NAMED AFTER HIM? Oh, man. Where is he?
George Washington - Serious‎ He's going to be picking wooden teeth out of his neck for a month.
Task: "Make Washington Hunt for Jebediah Springfield". The job takes 24 hours.
George Washington - Sad Okay, so Sprungfeld is dead. Everyone I know is dead. I get it. So now what?
Lisa Professor Frink is trying to find a way to send you home. In the meantime...
Lisa You might find you like it here. Our previous ex-President seems very happy.
Abraham Lincoln - Sad You want to keep it down, please? I can barely hear myself split rails here, people.
George Washington - Serious Sheesh. That guy was President?!
Lisa Number sixteen.
George Washington He's so gangly-looking. Doesn't really scream "President," you know?
George Washington I guess people will elect anything.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 2[edit]

After tapping on George Washington's exclamation mark
George Washington You know why America has a bicameral legislature, right?
Lisa - Embarrassed Uh... because it's a good way to keep power from consolidating in one body?
George Washington - Serious‎ Nope. Because when we were tossing around ideas for a new government-- just brain jamming, you know -- some idiot throws out the term "bicameral legislature."
George Washington - Serious‎ And everybody just latches onto it.
George Washington - Serious‎ You know that thing where everyone's trying to sound hip and smart by using the hot new term? So annoying!
George Washington - Serious‎ Every time I heard the words, I couldn't decide whether to fall asleep or kill myself.
George Washington - Serious‎‎ Just totally nuts. I voted for the thing just to shut everyone up.
Lisa - Shocked This is incredible! Our scholars need to know this stuff. You've got to commit your memories to paper.
George Washington Seriously, if I told you all the dirt I've got on John Adams, you'd flip your powdered wig. Dude was MESSED UP.
Task: "Make Washington Write a Tell-All". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 3[edit]

After tapping on Lisa's exclamation mark
Lisa - Deadpan I hope you're not finding modern-day America too strange, Mr. Washington.
George Washington Nah.
George Washington It'll always be America, so long as people continue to live free, toss their excrement in the streets, and hate the British.
Lisa - Alarmed Actually England is our closest ally now.
George Washington - Serious‎ ...
George Washington - Serious You want to repeat that, little lady?
Lisa - Alarmed Uh... we've had a lot of time to repair relations...
George Washington - Serious "Repair relations"? With a country that is way more powerful than us?
George Washington - Serious AND wants nothing more than to make us her colony again?
Lisa - Deadpan Well, first of all, our military is a lot bigger than theirs now.
George Washington - Serious Then we should attack immediately, before they have time to raise conscripts!
George Washington - Serious Unless, of course, you'd prefer to see musky-carrying redcoats on every street corner in the nation.
George Washington - Serious Summon my war council!
Task: "Make Washington Plan an Invasion of Britain". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 8 hours.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 4[edit]

After tapping on George Washington's exclamation mark
George Washington Okay, if our ships leave Boston tomorrow, we can reach England in two months.
George Washington We'll rendezvous with Hessian mercenaries -- little girl, remind me to write a letter to Hessia, get that ball rolling.
Lisa - Alarmed Hessian mercenaries aren't the military force they once were...
George Washington We will then move inland and seize the royal saltpeter mines.
George Washington I'd like to see King George try to fight a war without saltpeter. Heh-heh-heh...
George Washington With a combined force of 20,000 we will easily subdue all of England.
George Washington What do you think, Lisa Simpson? An elegant plan, no?
Lisa - Embarrassed You really think 20,000 men armed with muskets will do any good against tanks and machine guns and missiles?
George Washington If we have enough horses, yes.
George Washington I also plan on doubling gin rations, to boost morale. A drunk army is an effective army.
George Washington - Serious All we need now is the men!
Task: "Make Washington Recruit an Army". The job takes place at Visitable Homes and takes 24 hours.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 5[edit]

After tapping on George Washington's exclamation mark
George Washington - Sad‎ Okay, I've been traveling door-to-door all day, and so far I've got ZERO recruits for my Grand Army of the Brit-Hating Republic.
George Washington - Sad‎ What's happened to the England-detesting nation of proud Limey-stranglers I love? Where's our fighting spirit?
Lisa - Embarrassed Seriously. The English are our friends. Very nice people. Good music.
George Washington - Serious And the most annoying thing?
George Washington - Serious‎ Everyone's just falling all over themselves to thank me: "You're the Father of Our Country!" "Thank you, George Washington!"
George Washington - Serious‎ If you love me so much, get in the boat and help me stick a cannon ball in Big Ben.
Wiggum - Eyes Wide George Washington! Thank you for everything, sir.
Wiggum - Eyes Wide Thank you for your wisdom, and your strength, and for being everything a man can be. I mean EVERYTHING!
George Washington - Serious‎ Uh-huh. Look, that's very nice, but I'm just a guy. Happy to be of service. No need to go crazy, pal.
Task: "Make Washington Reject Praise". The job takes place at a Brown House and takes 6 hours.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 6[edit]

After tapping on George Washington's exclamation mark
Comic Book Guy George Washington! It's really him! The greatest real-life superhero of all!
Apu - Happy Thanks for being the best Founding Father a country could ask for! We love you!
George Washington - Serious Fine. That's very fine. Thank you. Go away.
Lisa - Embarrassed They're just trying to show their appreciation, sir.
George Washington - Serious But they act like I'm some sort of saint. It's seriously creepy.
George Washington - Serious‎ Did you know there are guys on the Supreme Court who think laws should be based on what me and my friends were thinking about more than two centuries ago?
George Washington - Serious We didn't have electricity. And trust me -- most of the time when we were writing constitutions and laws, we were thinking about what to order for dinner.
George Washington I'm just a guy. And I'm really happy that America worked out so well. That rocks. But again, just a guy.
Skinner - Happy Excuse me, Mr. Washington. I'm like your biggest fan ever, and--
George Washington - Sad I owned slaves. Did you know that? It stinks, but it's true. So please leave me alone.
Skinner - Happy Well, you must have had a very good reason.
George Washington - Serious THERE IS NO GOOD REASON FOR OWNING SLAVES. Augh! You people are beyond weird!
Task: "Make Washington Flee Admirers". The job takes place at a Brown House and takes 16 hours.
Quest reward: Cash200 and XP20