New article from the Springfield Shopper: Marge’s “nice-lady” reputation is on the line this April!

'Twas the Pageant Before Christmas

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'Twas the Pageant Before Christmas
Tapped Out Quest Information
Level: 5
Update: A Simpsons Christmas Special
Required characters: Lisa, Milhouse, Homer, Angel Lisa, Ralph
Optional characters: Skinner, See Currency-earning tasks
Previous quest(s): Christmas is Canceled Pt. 1
Next quest(s): Christmas is Canceled Pt. 2

'Twas the Pageant Before Christmas is an event-exclusive questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the A Simpsons Christmas Special content update.



After completing Christmas is Canceled Pt. 1
Chat Bubble Decoration
Skinner - Happy This afternoon we will hold auditions for our annual Christmas Pageant! See you there, budding thespians!
Skinner As participation is mandatory for all students, we will see you bullies, jocks, and burnouts there, too.
Lisa Excuse me, Principal Skinner, but-
Skinner - Annoyed You object to the word "Christmas" because of its exclusionary religious connotations? Very well. We'll call it the "Holiday Pageant".
Lisa - Curious Great. But--
Skinner - Annoyed The word "Pageant" evokes beauty pageants, which are sexist and outdated? Fine. Then we'll call it the "Holiday Thing".
Lisa - Suspicious You fold pretty quick in the face of controversy, huh?
Skinner It's my main qualification for this job.
Task: "Make Lisa Audition for the Holiday Thing". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Task: "Make Milhouse Audition for the Holiday Thing". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
If Ralph is owned: Task: "Make Ralph Audition for the Holiday Thing". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Chat Bubble Decoration
Skinner The cast list will be posted later today. Your part will be assigned according to the degree of stink your parents will raise if you have few lines.
Homer Hello, sir. I am the handyman you hired to build your outdoor stage. My name is Roger.
Homer - Angry Roger? I want a cool name!
Homer - Happy Like I said, my name is Jackhammer Machinegun.
Skinner What a very cool name. So have you finished building the stage?
Homer - Guilty No. Instead of doing my actual job, I became a snow plow driver, or an astronaut, or something. Happens all the time.
Homer - Guilty Plus I lost the money you gave me for supplies.
Skinner - Surprised Mr. Machinegun, how could you! The Holiday Thing is ruined!
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 1

After completing the Intro
Chat Bubble Decoration
Skinner - Sad Children, the play is canceled. We have no stage. And if I'm being honest, we never really found our Petey the Reluctant Elf, either.
Milhouse - Sad I'm doing the best I can. Petey is a complex character!
Lisa - Shocked We can't give up! If we need more money to finish the stage, there must be a way to get it!
Lisa - Surprised Maybe we could hold a fundraiser. A winter carnival!
Skinner - Happy Good thinking, Lisa! You truly are the hero of this story that you made up yourself.
Skinner Now go fold some programs while I ponder Lisa's amazing idea!
If Skinner is owned: Task: "Make Skinner Brainstorm Moneymaking Schemes". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Task: "Make Homer Use a Saw Like a Hammer". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Task: "Collect Programs" (x100).
Chat Bubble Decoration
Skinner - Happy Lisa, your upbeat problem-solving has truly saved the day. Hooray for Lisa!
Bart - Annoyed Oh, come on. Is this whole story nothing more than a love letter to yourself?
Lisa - Shouting It's my story, I'll tell it how I want.
Marge - Sad Sweetie, your brother's right. For a story to be interesting, the hero needs to experience setbacks.
Maggie - Annoyed *agreeing sucking noises*
Lisa - Angry Well, I LIKE stories where I'm doing amazing things and everyone says how great I am.
Marge - Annoyed ...
Lisa - Annoyed Fine. One setback, coming up.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10
Hot Roasted Chestnuts Cart x3

Pt. 2

After completing Pt. 1
Chat Bubble Decoration
Skinner - Happy I've found the perfect centerpiece for our winter carnival fundraiser -- a roasted chestnuts cart!
Skinner - Happy Oh, how the children will line up for the earthy, mild flavor of warm chestnuts!
Lisa - Grossed Out Uh, kids today don't really think of chestnuts as "yummy". Or even as "food".
Skinner - Annoyed Nonsense! Chewy, nondescript chestnuts are the ultimate holiday treat!
Lisa - Curious We could coat them in sugar, I guess. And serve them on a bed of sugar, with sugar sauce on the side...
Skinner - Annoyed Fine. Yes. Do that. And ruin my delightfully bland chestnuts.
Task: "Place Hot Roasted Chestnuts Carts" (x3).
Task: "Make Children Sell Chestnuts" (x3). The jobs take place at a Hot Roasted Chestnuts Cart and take 4 hours.
Task: "Collect Programs" (x300).
Chat Bubble Decoration
Skinner - Surprised In a development no one could have possibly predicted, today's children have zero interest in hot chestnuts.
Lisa - Deadpan ...
Skinner - Happy It's time to give the kids the Christmas treats they crave -- figgy pudding and steaming bowls of wassail.
Lisa - Nagging Sir, that's a horrible idea.
Skinner - Annoyed I've spent the last thirty Christmases alone with my elderly mother. I THINK I know what kids want!
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10
Christmas Carousel and Free Land Token

Pt. 3

After completing Pt. 2
Chat Bubble Decoration
Lisa Ralph, have you been working on your line for the play?
Ralph - Happy I like pretending where I'm a Dracula driving a bulldozer.
Lisa - Embarrassed Me too, Ralph. Me too. But in THIS play, you're playing a mouse, right? And when you come on stage, your line is...?
Ralph - Happy "Hello! I have pointy teeth and a cape and have you seen my bulldozer?"
Lisa - Worried Focus, Ralph! It's a very important line. You explain the true meaning of Christm-- I mean, the Holidays -- to everyone. Try again...
Ralph - Sad "A robber who doesn't like Draculas stole my bulldozer and now I'm sad."
Lisa - Annoyed Okay, everybody. Take five. I need to think. Let's all... ride the carousel... or something.
Task: "Make Lisa Ride the Carousel". The job takes place at the Christmas Carousel and takes 8 hours.
If Ralph is owned: Task: "Make Ralph Ride the Carousel". The job takes place at the Christmas Carousel and takes 8 hours.
Task: "Make Milhouse Ride the Carousel". The job takes place at the Christmas Carousel and takes 8 hours.
Task: "Make Homer Ride the Carousel". The job takes place at the Christmas Carousel and takes 8 hours.
Task: "Collect Programs" (x300).
Chat Bubble Decoration
Lisa - Worried This whole play is riding on Ralph! If he doesn't explain the true meaning of the Holidays, it's ruined!
Skinner - Puzzled I'm confused. What exactly IS the meaning of the Holidays?
Skinner - Puzzled I mean, I get what Christmas is about. But "the Holidays" just seems kind of... nonspecific.
Lisa - Confused I've never been entirely clear on that, myself. Something about brotherhood and good will?
Skinner - Puzzled No, that's Christmas.
Lisa - Shouting It can be the meaning of non-denominational, inoffensive pseudo-celebrations as well!
Skinner - Surprised You know, we could just cancel the--
Lisa - Shouting We're not canceling the Holiday Thing! The holidays aren't the same without the Thing!
Lisa - Annoyed Let's just do another dress rehearsal. I'm sure all our problems will be solved through some inexplicable, non-denominational holiday miracle.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10
Angel Lisa

Pt. 4

After completing Pt. 3
Chat Bubble Decoration
Milhouse - Excited Behold! An angel has appeared to tell us all the meaning of the Holidays!
Angel Lisa - Happy Lo! I bring tidings unto thee! But to clarify, I'm not comfortable with the word "angel". Think of me as a non-religious "spirit".
Milhouse - Scared So... you're a g-g-g-g-ghost?!
Ralph - Happy I'm a Dracula!
Angel Lisa - Annoyed Forget it. Call me an angel if it's so important to you. Just shut up and harken to my stupid message of hope.
Task: "Make Angel Lisa Give Proclamations on High". The job takes 4 hours.
Task: "Collect Programs" (x300).
Chat Bubble Decoration
Angel Lisa Hear me, Springfield! We celebrate the Holidays because on this day a child was born.
Angel Lisa A child who, depending on your belief system, was either the son of God, or a prophet, or just a really nice guy.
Angel Lisa - Happy And either to celebrate his birth, or because it's Hanukkah, or maybe the Winter Solstice is important to you, we should all be nice to one another right now.
Skinner - Happy That's it! The angel has saved the play! She's a hero!
Bart - Happy She sure is! What a gal, reminds me of that amazing sister of mine!
Bart - Rolling Eyes Whoa, whoa! Hold on a minute. In what universe would I ever say anything nice about you?
Homer - Confused Yeah, I'm not buying it, Lis.
Lisa - Shouting It's my story! Let me tell it how I want.
Marge - Serious Lisa, you can't just change an established character's personality whenever you want. It's sloppy writing.
Lisa - Annoyed The point of the story is, a holiday miracle saved the play.
Bart - Bored Phew. I am so relieved. I was really worried the boring children's play would have to be cancelled.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10
Fair Booth x4 and Free Land Token

Pt. 5

After completing Pt. 4
Chat Bubble Decoration
Skinner Lisa, the play's message has been saved, and it's sure to be a colossal smash. But we still don't have a stage.
Homer - Happy I'm working on it!
Skinner - Surprised Are you?
Homer - Happy No. But I AM swinging this hammer, which sure makes it LOOK like I'm working. To me, at least.
Skinner - Puzzled Lisa, we need more money, which necessitates a large Christmas Market, which you are now in charge of setting up.
Bart - Laughing Hah! That'll teach that do-gooder to do good!
Homer - Laughing So Little Miss Perfect gets her comeuppance. I take back what I said, Lisa. This is a great story!
Chat Bubble Decoration
Skinner - Nervous I know it's a lot to ask, but you ARE, strangely, the only character in this tale with any intelligence. So...
Lisa - Annoyed *sigh* Okay fine, I'll see what I can do.
Task: "Place Fair Booths" (x4).
Task: "Make Lisa Setup Fair Booths". The job takes place at a Fair Booth and takes 8 hours.
If any Ralph and Milhouse are owned: Task: "Make Ralph Ride the Carousel". The job takes place at the Christmas Carousel and takes 8 hours.
If any Ralph and Milhouse are owned: Task: "Make Milhouse Ride the Carousel". The job takes place at the Christmas Carousel and takes 8 hours.
Task: "Make Homer Ride the Carousel". The job takes place at the Christmas Carousel and takes 8 hours.
Task: "Collect Programs" (x300).
Chat Bubble Decoration
Homer - Cautious Good news, I got the stage all fixed. I'll just be taking my last paycheck.
Milhouse - Mad He's lying! The stage has been fine all along, he's just been spending all our money on eggnog!
Homer - Guilty *burp* I have no idea what he's *buuuurp* talking *buuuuuuuurp* about.
Skinner - Nervous The curtain goes up in five minutes, children. I hope you all remember your lines?
Ralph - Sad Hello! I am not a Dracula, and I don't have a bulldozer!
Skinner - Annoyed Better, Ralph. Still terrible, but better.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10
Pageant Stage and Free Land Token

Pt. 6

After completing Pt. 5
Chat Bubble Decoration
Milhouse - Excited Now Lisa, when we do our kiss scene, make sure you don't get TOO caught up in it, okay?
Milhouse - Excited Because I have a feeling I'm a really good kisser. That's what Puppy Goo Goo says.
Lisa - Grossed Out WHAT kiss scene? I'm playing a ballerina, and you're a soldier.
Milhouse - Excited Love can blossom in the strangest places, huh?
Lisa - Grossed Out If you try to kiss me, I'll push you off the stage.
Milhouse - Scared How did you know that was one of my recurring nightmares?!
Task: "Make Children Act in an Ensemble". The job takes place at the Pageant Stage and takes 12 hours.
Chat Bubble Decoration
Sideshow Mel - Happy I declare Lisa's Holiday Thing the finest theatrical event ever!
Skinner - Happy Thank you all for your three-hour-long standing ovation. We owe everything to Lisa Simpson! Let's hear it for her!
Bart - Annoyed Boo! Boooooo!
Marge - Nervous Bart, be nice. The story's almost over. It IS almost over, isn't it, Lisa?
Lisa - Happy No. Next, the play goes to Broadway, sweeps the Tonys and goes on tour.
Marge - Sad ...
Lisa - Nagging ...but I guess we can safely skip that part.
Quest reward: Cash200 and XP20

Currency-earning jobs

Task Character(s) Time Location(s) Reward
Blow His Nose Into Programs Homer 4h Springfield Elementary or a Brown House Program6, XP45
Neatly Fold Programs Lisa
Roll His Eyes at Programs Bart
Hang Programs on the Fridge Marge
Struggle to Read Programs Grampa
Draw Picture on Programs Maggie
Hang Programs in Store Window Apu
Pass Out Programs at Church Ned
Rake Programs Into a Pile Willie
Ration Paper for Programs Skinner
Try to Turn Programs Into News Brockman
Gush Over Adorableness of Programs Kathy from Personnel Program9, XP70
Make Programs Appear From Thin Air Circus Acrobat

Behind the Laughter

The quest name is a reference to the short story "A Visit from St. Nicholas", which is commonly called "'Twas the Night Before Christmas".