Claws Combat
Tapped Out Quest Information
Claws Combat is an event-exclusive questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Superheroes 2 content update.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Behold… Pinchy! Ze crustacean abomination!
Did you say Pinchy? Like MY Pinchy?
Zhat's right! I cloned your little pet by using the shell you tossed avay in the dumpster! Then enhanced it vith my own DNA so it answers to my commands! It is a…
Crab, lobster… they've all got soft underbellies! Clownface, attack this thing from the inside of the factory, we'll hit it from the outside.
Task: "Make the Villains Attack Pinchy" (x7). The jobs take place at the Soilant Red Factory and take 4 hours. Task: "Make the Heroes Attack Pinchy" (x7). The job takes place at the Soilant Red Factory and takes 4 hours.
Well done team! We've clobbered the colossal crustacean!
Time for you to take over Sky Finger. Tap with all your might!
Task: "Tap Pinchy" (x10).
Quest Reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After completing Pt. 1
It's working! But this monster will need more than rubber bands on its claws to stop it.
Let's do it again!
Task: "Make the Villains Attack Pinchy" (x7). The jobs take place at the Soilant Red Factory and take 4 hours. Task: "Make the Heroes Attack Pinchy" (x7). The job takes place at the Soilant Red Factory and takes 4 hours.
Time to hit it with all you've got Sky Finger!
Task: "Tap Pinchy" (x10).
You fools! You really zink you can outvit the great Dr. Crab?
I have injected Pinchy vith a serum that vill make his shell tougher than toenails. No attacks shall harm him!
MWAHAHAHAHA! That is not evil laugh. I vas just clearing my throat.
Quest Reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After completing Pt. 2
Heroes, you heard the crab! We have to find the crobster's weakness. We need ideas now!
Dad? What's wrong?
This Pinchy clone reminds me of MY Pinchy. My poor little, delicious pet, accidentally killed by a hot bath…
Wait, Pie Man… that's it!
To defeat this thing, we need to bring the heat. Boil it!
Boiling's my bag! I own a restaurant chain.
Task: "Make Villains Start a Fire" (x7). The jobs take place at the Soilant Red Factory and take 4 hours.
Good job guys, Pinchy's getting cooked!
Task: "Make the Heroes Attack Pinchy" (x7). The job takes place at the Soilant Red Factory and takes 4 hours.
Your turn, Sky Finger! Show this thing who's boss!
Task: "Tap Pinchy" (x10).
Quest Reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After completing Pt. 3
Oooh, it smells really good… How long do you think it'll take to cook a million pound lobster?
I'm not sure exactly but I'd guess we'll be done before the 26th of July.
Hmmm, handy!
We're going to need a LOT of mashed potatoes to go with this…
Task: "Make Villains Make Mashed Potatoes" (x7). The jobs take place at the Krusty Burger and take 4 hours. Task: "Make Heroes Attack Pinchy" (x7). The job takes place at the Soilant Red Factory and takes 4 hours. Task: "Tap Pinchy" (x10).
Quest Reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After completing Pt. 4
We can't serve mashed potatoes without gravy! That's worse villainy than Dr. Crab's creation.
You'll need two hundred and forty-seven gallons of gravy.
Wow. I love your superpower Fallout Boy.
Huh? That was just math!
Task: "Make Villains Get 247 Gallons of Gravy" (x7). The jobs take place at the Krusty Burger and take 4 hours. Task: "Make Heroes Attack Pinchy" (x7). The job takes place at the Soilant Red Factory and takes 4 hours. Task: "Tap Pinchy" (x10).
Quest Reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 6
After completing Pt. 5
It's up to me to deal the final blow!
Wait, you did that last time! And it's MY Pinchy!
I'm the one who bathed him to death in the first place, it's only fitting that I finish off his clone.
Wow Dad, you're taking responsibility…
Yes, and dealing the final blow means I'm first in line at the all-you-can-eat lobster buffet!
Task: "Make Pie Man Deal the Final Blow". The job takes place at the Soilant Red Factory and takes 8 hours.
After starting the job
I am really sorry Pinchy, but I can't let you destroy my city.
Forgive me again, my delectable, monstrous friend…
After finishing the task
NOOOOOOOOO! Vat have you done to my cute little Pinchy! How could you?
Now YOU get to feel what I felt when Pinchy tragically died the first time!
You ATE him afterwards!
And I will again! If you don't want your plate, I'll gladly take seconds. Now pass the garlic butter!
Quest Reward: 100 and 10
"Villains" are:
"Heroes" are:
Bouncing Battle Baby, Clobber Girl, Pie Man, Fallout Boy, Stretch Dude, Citizen Solar, Wind Lad, Radioactive Man, Bartman, Plopper, Fruit-Bat-Man