The Simpsons Arcade Game
The Simpsons Arcade Game is the first Simpsons game that was ever made. it was released in March 4 1991 and one of the most populer Simpsons games. This game is based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game which was realeased in 1989 and made by the same company, Konami. You can play as Homer, Marge, Bart and Lisa. Charcters like Maggie, Grampa, Patty, Selma, Mr Burns, Smithers, Moe, Otto, Marvin Monroe, Santas Little Helper, Snowball 2, Krusty, Principal Seymour Skinner, Martin, Millhouse, Sherri, Terri, Barney, Bleeding Gums Murphy, Princess Kashmir, Lewis, Nelson, Blinky, Sideshow Bob, Scott Christian, Howard, The Space Mutants and the rabbits from Life in hell are in this game. The game is ported on Arcade, PC and Commodore 64. A game-play inspired remake by EA games was made for iPhone.
While the Simpsons are walking in the street, Smithers was robing in the jewl shop for that large diamond that Mr Burns wants. Meanwhile he bumps into Homer and the diamond flow up in the air and landed in maggies mouth, then suddenly Smithers kidnaps Maggie and runs off with the diamond in her mouth, so the Simpsons have to rescure Maggie. Mr Burns has hired goons so they can stop the Simpsons to get Maggie back and the Simpsons kicked their butts and chasing Smithers. When they have defeated the Wrestler, they blow up there balloons to go after Maggie which is also a bonus stage. They are now in Krusty land were clowns and rabbits from life in hell are attacking too. When they walkthrogh Krustyland, Smithers made the Krusty Balloon to take care of them but it durst when it got defeated and then they fell down to Springfield Cemerty. There were zombies rising from the ground to kill the Simpsons that Mr Burns turned them into life again, some were digging and some were jumping, when they are entrying the elevator, ghosts apeared (Dont touch them or else your dead) they got away and went down the elevator to Moes taven but very dangerous mobsters were coming out the door to start the fight but then they lost and the Simpsons went into Moes Tavern. Moe doesn't realise that there was trouble in the taven because he is busy talking on the phone and the henchmen start to ruin the place but then the Simpsons stopped them and then a drunk man got wakin up by the Simpsons and then he started to attack them but he lost, when the Simpsons defeated the drunk, they went up another elevator behind the counter to the Butte. A bear was chasing Smithers and Maggie was going doen the river so the Simpsons were going after her but apes and woodsmen that are working with Mr Burns are after them but got beten by the Simpsons. The bear that was chasing Smithers want to kill them so he started rolling and clawring, but he lost, When they saw Maggie they tried to rescure her but Smithers came with hes helicopter and the Simpsons went down a big waterfall. They fell and fell and when they crashed they got knocked out and fell asleep. They had a dream in the clouds were everything is part of them. There were donuts, saxophones and other enimies related to the Simpsons. Then danger came along, it was a bowling ball monster, it was heavy and strong and guess what, it got destroyed by the Simpsons. It was a good dream, not a Nightmare ecsepe for Bart in the future game Barts Nightmare. Another bonus stage called wake up is about when you have to wake up the Simpsons to go after Maggie. They saw the helicopter on top of channel 6 studios. They went over there and went to the news room with Scott Christian doing a report that Maggie has been kidnapped by Mr Burns and a filming room in space and Japan with 2 bosses, a Robot in the space one, and Kabuki Warrior in the Japanese one. When they have walked throgh the Channel 6 studios, They hopped on the helicopter when Maggie was taken away and then when they landed, Smithers ran off with Maggie and the diamond. When they walked throgh the Power Plant, Sithers apered and said "Welcome to my world" and then the Smithers fight begins. Smithers throw bombs and then at the end he got bombed by the bombs. Its not the end yet, because or MR BURNS! He bracked throw the wall and said "Welcome to your grave, suckers" and now it is the FINAL FIGHT! Mr Burns was punching and shoted Bombs, Lasers, Missles, and even pinchers you. When hes legs got destroyed, Hes Caterpiller wheels went on hes machine for part 2, its getting harder but don't give up. And now part 3, Getting there, they almost got him, one more to go and. GOT HIM. At the end, Maggie puts her pacifiar in Mr Burns mouth and keeps the diamond in her mouth. Grampa, Patty and Selma came over that they have got Maggie for a celibration. And so they all went back home to have dinner and watch TV and also Homer throw the diamond away and Maggie put her pacifiar on agian.
The player chooses from one of the remaining four Simpsons: Homer, who punches and kicks; Marge, who swings her vacuum cleaner; Bart, who wields his skateboard; and Lisa, who uses a jumprope like a whip. They fight through the employees and chase Smithers as he escapes through various Springfield landscapes. The game's levels are based on Downtown, Krusty Land, the graveyard, Moes Tavern, Springfield Butte, a Dreamland, the Channel 6 studio and the Springfeild Nucler Power Plant. Each level ends with a boss whose speed and strength would increase after taking a set amount of damage. In Stage 4 (Moe's Tavern), there are several arcade machines, including one of the Simpsons arcade game. There was an Aliens arcade game that revealed the Alien to be Marge wearing a costume. Aliens was made in 1990 by Konami. Although the game is one of many beat 'em ups produced after Final Fight, it contained many innovations, including the option for two players to team up and attack enemies, with the exact attack differing slightly depending on which two characters were being used. Food could be used for healing, and various weapons and items could be obtained for use for a short time or for a one-time projectile attack. These items were often brought into the game by other Simpsons characters, and the Simpsons' own pets could be used as thrown weapons at various points in the game. The Japanese version of the game included small scale nuclear bombs that, when thrown, clear all on-screen enemies, as well as a life bar that can be doubled by eating food when your character's health was full. The main characters retained their voice actors from the show. The game features two minigames in which players competed against each other to be the first to finish a task (inflating a balloon shaped like their character in the first game, waking up their character in the second). The minigame was based on repeated button-pushing, with the player who pushed the buttons fastest winning. If fewer than four players were present, the player or players competed against 1-3 computer-controlled characters in these minigames. The game featured many strange enemies, ranging from the infamous men in the purple suits, to battles with Bongo-like rabbits. The game included battling fat, old men; miniboss-like firemen; and even giant donuts.One of the visual gags in the game include Marge showing rabbit ears similar to the Life in hell rabbits, like her skeletal silhouette when electrocuted. According to several DVD commentaries, before The Simpsons became a full series, Marge was supposed to be a Life in hell rabbit in disguise as an in-joke.
(Hank Azaria and Harry Shearer didn't do voices for the game)
Bonus Stages
Blow up your balloon
Wake up
Fat Guys
Door Ladys
Fire Fighters
Rabbits from Life in Hell
Barrel Ladys
Marge Clouds
Power Plant Employees
Bart Devils
Space Mutants
Krusty Balloon
Drunk Man
Bowling Ball
Kabuki Warrior
Mr Burns
This is the first Simpsons game.
When Marge gets electricuted, Her skeletion is like the rabbits from Life in hell.
When the tall mobster says Where do you think your going, Mr Burns says that in the part 2 fight that has the same voice.
Smithers laugh is acturlly on every single enemy or boss when they laugh.
Pattys model is like Selmas model but a darker dress.
When Maggie puts the pacifier in Mr Burns mouth, it desipears and then goes back in Maggies mouth but the diamond is surpost to be in her mouth.
When any of the characters talk, there mouths don't move.
This game is in the season 1 creation although it was realised later.
Smithers and the mobsters have the same theme.
The mobsters apear in Stage 1 and 2 at the fence and the cup of tea ride but then they left after.
The bear boss apeared in stage 2 when it escaped from Krusty Land and went to the Butte for its new home.
The enimie ape is copyed off Homer in the episode "Call of the Simpsons" when he dives in the mud pool to get rid off the bess and people think its big foot.
In the Robot battle, there are 2 Robots instead of 1.