The War of Art/References
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Cultural references[edit]
- The episode name is a reference to The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
- One of the guinea pigs at the Guinea Pig Rescue Center had a Band-Aid on its tail.
- Guinea pigs have an important role for many indigenous Andean peoples, and so Lisa created Pokey a habitat that includes Peruvian feather grass, an Incan sleeping mat and a portrait of Marisol Espinoza, former vice president of Peru.
- Artipedia is a parody of Wikipedia.
- Homer refers to Leonardo da Vinci as "Leonardo Da Vinci Code" referencing the novel The Da Vinci Code.
- Toys "B" This is a parody of the American toy retailer Toys "R" Us.
- The Planet Jackson toy is a parody of Captain Planet
- In the news, the titles are play-on-words of different things:
- The Great Frame Robbery is a reference to the film The Great Train Robbery.
- Brush With Hateness? is a parody of "Brush with Greatness".
- Friendship Van Gone?, a play on Vincent van Gogh.
- The Art of War?, a reference to the book The Art of War.
- Milhouse plays Dancing Revolution with the TV turned off. This is a parody of the real music video game Dance Dance Revolution.
- A man in Isla Verde sells warm Speedos.
- Klaus Ziegler paintings include imitations of:
- A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat
- The Sleeping Gypsy by Henri Rousseau
- Over the Town by Marc Chagall
- A Doonesbury character by Garry Trudeau
- Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth
- Water Lily (1906) by Claude Monet
- The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
- Convergence by Jackson Pollock. Richard Branson is seen appreciating this replica in one his spaceships (a reference to Virgin Galactic).
- Self-Portrait with Beret and Turned-Up Collar by Rembrandt, seen at the back of Saddam Hussein.
Doonesbury character
Water Lily (1906)
Richard Branson and a Convergence imitation
- Ziegler mentions the Louvre and the Cal State Fullerton.