New article from the Springfield Shopper: Marge’s “nice-lady” reputation is on the line this April!

The Simpsons: Tapped Out Springfield Choppers content update/Gameplay

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There Goes My Heroes[edit]

After the user logs in on March 17th:
Bart The bucket is in position. When Skinner opens that door, he'll be covered in shrimp.
Milhouse Abort! Abort! The bullies are in his office and they're walking out first!
Jimbo *bucket drops* What the SHRIMPPP?!
Kearney I'm allergic!
Nelson Craw-Craw! Your bald head is swelling up!
Skinner Crevette in a net...this prank has Bart Simpson's name all over it.
Dolph Quick! Steal those nerds' bikes!
Database Our bicycles!
Bart Oh man, I can't out-skate bullies on bikes!
Jimbo There he is on his skateboard!
Kearney You're going to pay for this, Simpson!
Bart I'll just duck into this sketchy dive bar and hide.
Bart *enters* AHHH! REAL BIKERS!
Meathook Well, lookie here. Seems like we got some fresh meat, fellas.
Ramrod What do you think, Meathook? Should we show this kid our idea of "hospitality"?
Bart Why did you air-quote hospitality? Are you gonna kill me and send my body to the hospital?!
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Kill you? No, no! We don't kill people anymore. We're the Spiro's Heroes. I'm Spiro. This here is Meathook, that's Ramrod, and back at the pool table there is Porkchop.
Homer Mmmmm...porkchops...
Bart Homer? What are you doing here?
Homer Moe's got shut down again. Something to do with not having a liquor license for thirty years. Anyway, don't mind me — carry on.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Look kid, we need young recruits like you, so do you want to join our gang or what?
Bart *gasp* You'd let me join your badass biker gang?
Ramrod You still gotta go through the initiation, but we'll let you skip the written test.
Homer Unfair! You made me take the written test!
Meathook And you got a 0 out of 100...and it was multiple choice...
Homer *annoyed grunt*
Task: Make Bart Get Initiated (6s, Kwik-E-Mart or Homes)
If the user has Meathook: Task: Make Meathook Sew the Patch on Bart's Gang Jacket (6s, Poppa Wheelie's, Barra, Beer -N- Brawl, Darby O'Guzzlin's, Moe's Tavern or Homes)
If the user has Ramrod: Task: Make Ramrod Prepare Bart a Virgin Daiquiri (6s, Poppa Wheelie's, Barra, Beer -N- Brawl, Darby O'Guzzlin's, Moe's Tavern or Homes)
Bart Okay, all done.
Apu Thank you, Bart, for cleaning the graffiti off of the Kwik-E-Mart.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Initiation complete. Welcome to the Spiro's Heroes.
Bart How is cleaning graffiti off a wall an initiation? I thought you guys were hardcore bikers.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Oh, we're hardcore alright. Hardcore about making a difference!
Meathook Yeah, we used to just ride our hogs around and chain-whip people for fun. Now we ride our hogs around and chain-whip our community into shape.
Bart Oh, that's too bad... I thought if I joined the gang, then you guys would help me terrorize the bullies.
Meathook Hmm...if we help you, can we chain-whip them?
Bart I was thinking more like some mild intimidating with a couple of pranks sprinkled in.
Meathook It's a deal! Let's wreak havoc on those bullies!
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Springfield Turf Wars[edit]

Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 1[edit]

After completing There Goes My Heroes:
Nelson There he is! Bart's walking into that dive bar!
Kearney I've been waiting all afternoon for this. Excuse me, is your toilet bowl regulation size?
Jimbo Yeah, we want to make sure the opening will fit the head of an average boy.
Ramrod Bart, I assume these are the bullies we're about to give a world of pain.
Kearney Whoa, Bart, you're friends with these biker dudes?!
Meathook Oh no, he's not our friend — he's part of our gang.
Kearney You're in a biker gang now?! This changes everything. Sidebar!
Nelson Sidebar!
Kearney Guys, now that Bart is a real gang member, we should recruit him to join our band of bullies.
Nelson So we can't give him a swirly?
Kearney Not today. Having a real gang member join us would lend some much-needed legitimacy to our operation, and potentially cut down on attacks by the older scary high school bullies.
Jimbo I hate those guys!
Dolph So we all agree...sidebar over!
Nelson Sidebar over!
Kearney Bart, we have a proposal: join our bully gang and we'll make you Springfield Elementary royalty.
Jimbo Instead of you being a swirlee, you'll get to be the swirler.
Kearney We'll even hunt down Milhouse if you want him to be your first victim.
Bart Hmm, this is all very intriguing. Do you guys have a cool hangout like Spiro's?
Nelson Prepare to have your mind blown. Follow me to the Stolen Bicycle Graveyard.
Meathook Man, new recruits are so unreliable. The moment you initiate 'em, every gang in town tries to poach 'em.
Task: Collect Gas Cans [x125]
Task: Make Bart Go See the Stolen Bicycle Graveyard (4h, Springfield Cemetery, Fogbury Cemetery, Frontier Cemetery, Pet Cemetery, Cemetery Plot, Muntz House or Homes)
If the user has Nelson: Task: Make Nelson Show Bart the Empty Swimming Pool (4h, Springfield Cemetery, Fogbury Cemetery, Frontier Cemetery, Pet Cemetery, Cemetery Plot, Muntz House or Homes)
If the user has Jimbo: Task: Make Jimbo Carve Bart's Name in the Diving Board (4h, Springfield Cemetery, Fogbury Cemetery, Frontier Cemetery, Pet Cemetery, Cemetery Plot, Muntz House or Homes)
If the user has Dolph: Task: Make Dolph Clean the Necklace of Unknown Retainers (4h, Springfield Cemetery, Fogbury Cemetery, Frontier Cemetery, Pet Cemetery, Cemetery Plot, Muntz House or Homes)
If the user has Kearney: Task: Make Kearney Pick Up His Kid From School (4h, Springfield Cemetery, Fogbury Cemetery, Frontier Cemetery, Pet Cemetery, Cemetery Plot, Muntz House or Homes)
Jimbo Welcome to the Stolen Bicycle Graveyard.
Nelson Our old hangout was under the football bleachers, but it got turned into a mass vaccination site.
Bart I dig the archway built out of beach cruisers. Nice touch.
Nelson So...? Will you become a bully?
Bart I think I'm gonna stick with Spiro's Heroes.
Dolph Come on! What does Spiro's have that the Stolen Bicycle Graveyard doesn't?
Bart Well, for one: they have a roof, WiFi, and soda direct from the tap...
Kearney We can't compete with solid WiFi!
Bart Look, we can still form a partnership. How about we have a truce? You guys promise to leave me alone, and as a member of Spiro's Heroes I can guarantee your protection.
Dolph Sidebar!
Nelson I think this is a good deal for us. That biker gang can help us scare off the older bullies when they try to mess with us.
Jimbo Agreed.
Bart Agreed.
Dolph Sidebar over!
Nelson Alright, Bart. We agree to your terms.
Bart Spitshake?
Nelson *spits in his hand* Pleasure doing business.
Bart Do you have any hand sanitizer by chance? Can't be too careful these days.
Nelson I want to punch you so bad right now...but I can't.
Bart See? The partnership's already working.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 2[edit]

After completing Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 1:
Homer Marge, do we have to go to Kirk and Luann's game night?
Kirk Homer, you're already here. And we're about to start playing Occupiers of Anatolia!
Homer Ugh, sounds complicated.
Kirk Okay everyone, flip your occupier cards to see who goes first!
Marge Wait, before we start, one quick question: can I build unlimited aqueducts or only one at a time?
Kirk As many as you want.
Bernice Hibbert What if I want to trade my occupier card when it's not my turn?
Kirk You just wait until it is your turn.
Dr. Hibbert If I roll a double-three, do I get sent to the cistern or do I send someone else to the cistern?
Kirk Depends if you have two or more barley bundles.
Homer Ugh, this board game hasn't even started and it already sucks! I wish I could be doing fun biker gang stuff like Bart.
Marge What biker gang stuff?
Homer Bart joined a biker gang. You know, the one over at Spiro's Bar.
Marge WHAAAT?!
Kirk Oh yeah, those Spiro's Heroes don't mess around. One time I accidentally grabbed Ramrod's latte at a coffee shop and he chain-whipped my laptop in half.
Homer Man, I wish I had a motorcycle so I could be in a cool gang...
Homer Wait a second, I do have a motorcycle! And it's a vintage 1955 Harley-Davidson! I won it at a '50s dance competition at a diner!
Marge Oh, I remember that now...that must have been at least 20 seasons ago.
Task: Collect Gas Cans [x125]
Task: Make Homer Gas Up the Hog (4h, Simpson House or Homes)
Task: Make Marge Demand Homer Wear His Helmet (4h, Simpson House or Homes)
Task: Make Lisa Remind Homer How the Throttle Works (4h, Simpson House or Homes)
Marge Homer, I really think this is a bad idea. Don't you remember what happened the last time you got on a motorcycle?
Homer No.
Marge That's because of what happened the last time you got on a motorcycle!
Homer But don't you remember my bucket list? Number one: eat a bucket of fried chicken. Number two: eat another bucket of fried chicken!
Marge And number three...
Homer Eat a bucket of fried chicken as a member of a biker gang!
Marge But Homer—
Homer Hold on Marge. *dials* Can I order three buckets of fried chicken for delivery? Yes, of course I want all the sides!
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 3[edit]

After completing Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 2:
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png We're glad you decided to stick with Spiro's Heroes, Bart. With you on board, we can really make a difference in this town.
Bart Okay, but we're also gonna be doing badass biker gang stuff, right? I mean, there has to be a nearby music festival we can ride through and terrorize.
Meathook Look Bart, we know you're not old enough to ride a hog, so instead we got you a Spiro's Heroes leather jacket and an electric bike.
Bart Whoa, the license plate says "El Barto".
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png It sure does.
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png So this is the inner circle of Spiro's Heroes, huh? The gang that thinks they can operate on our turf?
Bart Uh oh. I know this guy. He's one of the most notorious gang members in greater Springfield. One time he chased the bullies and me all over town.
Ramrod I thought you ran FROM the bullies, not WITH them.
Bart I've lived many lives, Ramrod. Many lives.
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png Your friend Bart is right. I'm the leader of The Purple Nurples gang.
Bart You do realize that Spiro's Heroes is a gang that does good? So...we don't really have beef with you.
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png We Purple Nurples are the same way. We defend those who receive purple nurples.
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png Unfortunately, that was a little too long to fit on the back of our jackets, so we had to shorten it.
Meathook This town only has room for one group of defenders against wet willies, swirlies, and purple nurples!
Ramrod Gang fight!
Task: Collect Gas Cans [x125]
Task: Make Bart Defend Turf With His Slingshot (4h, Spiro's, Poppa Wheelie's, Barra, Beer -N- Brawl, Darby O'Guzzlin's, Moe's Tavern or Homes)
If the user has Wilbur Nurple: Task: Make Wilbur Nurple Call for Purple Nurple Backup (4h, Spiro's, Poppa Wheelie's, Barra, Beer -N- Brawl, Darby O'Guzzlin's, Moe's Tavern or Homes)
If the user has Meathook: Task: Make Meathook Give Wilbur Nurple a Purple Nurple (4h, Spiro's, Poppa Wheelie's, Barra, Beer -N- Brawl, Darby O'Guzzlin's, Moe's Tavern or Homes)
If the user has Ramrod: Task: Make Ramrod Watch the Flank (4h, Spiro's, Poppa Wheelie's, Barra, Beer -N- Brawl, Darby O'Guzzlin's, Moe's Tavern or Homes)
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png That's enough! Can't we all just come together and work out our issues in a more civilized fashion?
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png You're right. Let's settle this not like the gang members we are, but like the gang members we aspire to be.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Then there's only one way to resolve this conflict: The Ball of Death.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 4[edit]

After completing Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 3:
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png The only thing you have to know about the Ball of Death is this: two men enter, and only one man doesn't die.
Homer Did someone say "man"?!
Bart Dad, what are you doing here? We're kinda in the middle of a turf war.
Homer I'm here to join the Spiro's Heroes. I know I didn't pass the written test, but I found my old motorcycle, so they've got to let me in now.
Meathook Just because you have a bike doesn't make you one of us.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Now, who is representing the Purple Nurples in the Ball of Death?
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png I will represent The Purple Nurples. And who is your champion?
Meathook Well, I would do it, but my arthritic knee's been acting up.
Ramrod Uh, I don't want to take all the glory, ya know after all the glory I've taken recently with other stuff. So I'll let somebody else take this round of Ball of Death.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Porkchop, you in? Really? You won't even do it?
Homer Bart, what is this Ball of Death I keep hearing about? It's not dangerous, is it?
Bart Dad, no. You don't want to—
Homer Everyone! As my initiation into the gang, I offer myself as your champion!
Task: Collect Gas Cans [x100]
Task: Make Homer Defy Death in the Ball of Death (4h, Ball of Death, Spiro's, Circle of Death, Poppa Wheelie's or Homes)
If the user has Wilbur Nurple: Task: Make Wilbur Nurple Defy Death in the Ball of Death (4h, Ball of Death, Spiro's, Circle of Death, Poppa Wheelie's or Homes)
Task: Make Bart Reluctantly Cheer On Homer (4h, Ball of Death, Spiro's, Circle of Death, Poppa Wheelie's or Homes)
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 5[edit]

After completing Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 4:
Bart Homer! Don't forget to accelerate when you get to the top of the Ball of Death!
Homer Yeah, yeah, yeah. How hard can it be? *accelerates*
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png First one who doesn't die wins. *accelerates*
Homer Ow!
Homer No-no-no-no-no!
Homer Ahhhh!
Homer I think I'm really getting the hang of this!
Homer D'oh!
Task: Collect Gas Cans [x125]
Task: Make Homer Eat it Hard (4h, Ball of Death, Spiro's, Circle of Death, Poppa Wheelie's or Homes)
If the user has Wilbur Nurple: Task: Make Wilbur Nurple Prevail (4h, Ball of Death, Spiro's, Circle of Death, Poppa Wheelie's or Homes)
Homer Am I the champion?
Bart Yeah. You're the champion, Dad.
Homer Woo-hoo!
Bart No, I was being lost and you're seriously injured.
Homer Oh... Yup. I'm starting to feel things...painful things. *moans*
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png Now that I've won, I better not see any Spiro's Heroes around these parts cleaning up graffiti or protecting nerds from bullies.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png With our turf gone, how are we going to make a difference in our community?
Meathook We could just go back to being badass bikers whose sole purpose is boozing, roughhousing, and more boozing.
Ramrod Yeah, why'd we ever give that up?
Meathook Let's ride through Springfield and rough up all who get in our way!
Comic Book Guy No! Don't chain-whip my comics! You just destroyed an original Cyberella!
Comic Book Guy This is just like when the necronauts overran the city and Cyberella had to rally the citizens against them!
Moe No! You're defiling my love-tester machine! How am I supposed to test my love now?!
Apu Oh, hey Meathook. Are you here to help remove some new graffiti on my wall?
Apu What are you doing? You've chain-whipped all of aisles one, two, and three! And I only have three aisles!
Homer Ah man, right when I get seriously injured, they start doing all the fun biker gang stuff...
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Where the Blubber Meets the Road[edit]

After completing Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 5:
Homer Marge, when they take this full body cast off of me, we're hitting the road on my hog and never looking back.
Marge Absolutely not. You're never driving a motorcycle ever again!
Homer Who said I'd be the one driving?!
Marge *annoyed grumble*
Homer Well, Bart, one day that beautiful hog will be passed down to you just as my grandfather gave it to my father, and my father gave it to me.
Bart I thought you won the motorcycle in a dance contest at Greaser's Café?
Homer I did. I sure did...
Bart Is something wrong with his brain?
Dr. Hibbert Not any more than usual. *chuckles*
Quest reward: Cash200 and XP20


There Goes My Heroes[edit]

After the user logs in on March 17th:
Bart The bucket is in position. When Skinner opens that door, he'll be covered in shrimp.
Milhouse Abort! Abort! The bullies are in his office and they're walking out first!
Jimbo *bucket drops* What the SHRIMPPP?!
Kearney I'm allergic!
Nelson Craw-Craw! Your bald head is swelling up!
Skinner Crevette in a net...this prank has Bart Simpson's name all over it.
Dolph Quick! Steal those nerds' bikes!
Database Our bicycles!
Bart Oh man, I can't out-skate bullies on bikes!
Jimbo There he is on his skateboard!
Kearney You're going to pay for this, Simpson!
Bart I'll just duck into this sketchy dive bar and hide.
Bart *enters* AHHH! REAL BIKERS!
Meathook Well, lookie here. Seems like we got some fresh meat, fellas.
Ramrod What do you think, Meathook? Should we show this kid our idea of "hospitality"?
Bart Why did you air-quote hospitality? Are you gonna kill me and send my body to the hospital?!
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Kill you? No, no! We don't kill people anymore. We're the Spiro's Heroes. I'm Spiro. This here is Meathook, that's Ramrod, and back at the pool table there is Porkchop.
Homer Mmmmm...porkchops...
Bart Homer? What are you doing here?
Homer Moe's got shut down again. Something to do with not having a liquor license for thirty years. Anyway, don't mind me — carry on.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Look kid, we need young recruits like you, so do you want to join our gang or what?
Bart *gasp* You'd let me join your badass biker gang?
Ramrod You still gotta go through the initiation, but we'll let you skip the written test.
Homer Unfair! You made me take the written test!
Meathook And you got a 0 out of 100...and it was multiple choice...
Homer *annoyed grunt*
Task: Make Bart Get Initiated (6s, Kwik-E-Mart or Homes)
If the user has Meathook: Task: Make Meathook Sew the Patch on Bart's Gang Jacket (6s, Poppa Wheelie's, Barra, Beer -N- Brawl, Darby O'Guzzlin's, Moe's Tavern or Homes)
If the user has Ramrod: Task: Make Ramrod Prepare Bart a Virgin Daiquiri (6s, Poppa Wheelie's, Barra, Beer -N- Brawl, Darby O'Guzzlin's, Moe's Tavern or Homes)
Bart Okay, all done.
Apu Thank you, Bart, for cleaning the graffiti off of the Kwik-E-Mart.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Initiation complete. Welcome to the Spiro's Heroes.
Bart How is cleaning graffiti off a wall an initiation? I thought you guys were hardcore bikers.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Oh, we're hardcore alright. Hardcore about making a difference!
Meathook Yeah, we used to just ride our hogs around and chain-whip people for fun. Now we ride our hogs around and chain-whip our community into shape.
Bart Oh, that's too bad... I thought if I joined the gang, then you guys would help me terrorize the bullies.
Meathook Hmm...if we help you, can we chain-whip them?
Bart I was thinking more like some mild intimidating with a couple of pranks sprinkled in.
Meathook It's a deal! Let's wreak havoc on those bullies!
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Springfield Turf Wars[edit]

Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 1[edit]

After completing There Goes My Heroes:
Nelson There he is! Bart's walking into that dive bar!
Kearney I've been waiting all afternoon for this. Excuse me, is your toilet bowl regulation size?
Jimbo Yeah, we want to make sure the opening will fit the head of an average boy.
Ramrod Bart, I assume these are the bullies we're about to give a world of pain.
Kearney Whoa, Bart, you're friends with these biker dudes?!
Meathook Oh no, he's not our friend — he's part of our gang.
Kearney You're in a biker gang now?! This changes everything. Sidebar!
Nelson Sidebar!
Kearney Guys, now that Bart is a real gang member, we should recruit him to join our band of bullies.
Nelson So we can't give him a swirly?
Kearney Not today. Having a real gang member join us would lend some much-needed legitimacy to our operation, and potentially cut down on attacks by the older scary high school bullies.
Jimbo I hate those guys!
Dolph So we all agree...sidebar over!
Nelson Sidebar over!
Kearney Bart, we have a proposal: join our bully gang and we'll make you Springfield Elementary royalty.
Jimbo Instead of you being a swirlee, you'll get to be the swirler.
Kearney We'll even hunt down Milhouse if you want him to be your first victim.
Bart Hmm, this is all very intriguing. Do you guys have a cool hangout like Spiro's?
Nelson Prepare to have your mind blown. Follow me to the Stolen Bicycle Graveyard.
Meathook Man, new recruits are so unreliable. The moment you initiate 'em, every gang in town tries to poach 'em.
Task: Collect Gas Cans [x125]
Task: Make Bart Go See the Stolen Bicycle Graveyard (4h, Springfield Cemetery, Fogbury Cemetery, Frontier Cemetery, Pet Cemetery, Cemetery Plot, Muntz House or Homes)
If the user has Nelson: Task: Make Nelson Show Bart the Empty Swimming Pool (4h, Springfield Cemetery, Fogbury Cemetery, Frontier Cemetery, Pet Cemetery, Cemetery Plot, Muntz House or Homes)
If the user has Jimbo: Task: Make Jimbo Carve Bart's Name in the Diving Board (4h, Springfield Cemetery, Fogbury Cemetery, Frontier Cemetery, Pet Cemetery, Cemetery Plot, Muntz House or Homes)
If the user has Dolph: Task: Make Dolph Clean the Necklace of Unknown Retainers (4h, Springfield Cemetery, Fogbury Cemetery, Frontier Cemetery, Pet Cemetery, Cemetery Plot, Muntz House or Homes)
If the user has Kearney: Task: Make Kearney Pick Up His Kid From School (4h, Springfield Cemetery, Fogbury Cemetery, Frontier Cemetery, Pet Cemetery, Cemetery Plot, Muntz House or Homes)
Jimbo Welcome to the Stolen Bicycle Graveyard.
Nelson Our old hangout was under the football bleachers, but it got turned into a mass vaccination site.
Bart I dig the archway built out of beach cruisers. Nice touch.
Nelson So...? Will you become a bully?
Bart I think I'm gonna stick with Spiro's Heroes.
Dolph Come on! What does Spiro's have that the Stolen Bicycle Graveyard doesn't?
Bart Well, for one: they have a roof, WiFi, and soda direct from the tap...
Kearney We can't compete with solid WiFi!
Bart Look, we can still form a partnership. How about we have a truce? You guys promise to leave me alone, and as a member of Spiro's Heroes I can guarantee your protection.
Dolph Sidebar!
Nelson I think this is a good deal for us. That biker gang can help us scare off the older bullies when they try to mess with us.
Jimbo Agreed.
Bart Agreed.
Dolph Sidebar over!
Nelson Alright, Bart. We agree to your terms.
Bart Spitshake?
Nelson *spits in his hand* Pleasure doing business.
Bart Do you have any hand sanitizer by chance? Can't be too careful these days.
Nelson I want to punch you so bad right now...but I can't.
Bart See? The partnership's already working.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 2[edit]

After completing Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 1:
Homer Marge, do we have to go to Kirk and Luann's game night?
Kirk Homer, you're already here. And we're about to start playing Occupiers of Anatolia!
Homer Ugh, sounds complicated.
Kirk Okay everyone, flip your occupier cards to see who goes first!
Marge Wait, before we start, one quick question: can I build unlimited aqueducts or only one at a time?
Kirk As many as you want.
Bernice Hibbert What if I want to trade my occupier card when it's not my turn?
Kirk You just wait until it is your turn.
Dr. Hibbert If I roll a double-three, do I get sent to the cistern or do I send someone else to the cistern?
Kirk Depends if you have two or more barley bundles.
Homer Ugh, this board game hasn't even started and it already sucks! I wish I could be doing fun biker gang stuff like Bart.
Marge What biker gang stuff?
Homer Bart joined a biker gang. You know, the one over at Spiro's Bar.
Marge WHAAAT?!
Kirk Oh yeah, those Spiro's Heroes don't mess around. One time I accidentally grabbed Ramrod's latte at a coffee shop and he chain-whipped my laptop in half.
Homer Man, I wish I had a motorcycle so I could be in a cool gang...
Homer Wait a second, I do have a motorcycle! And it's a vintage 1955 Harley-Davidson! I won it at a '50s dance competition at a diner!
Marge Oh, I remember that now...that must have been at least 20 seasons ago.
Task: Collect Gas Cans [x125]
Task: Make Homer Gas Up the Hog (4h, Simpson House or Homes)
Task: Make Marge Demand Homer Wear His Helmet (4h, Simpson House or Homes)
Task: Make Lisa Remind Homer How the Throttle Works (4h, Simpson House or Homes)
Marge Homer, I really think this is a bad idea. Don't you remember what happened the last time you got on a motorcycle?
Homer No.
Marge That's because of what happened the last time you got on a motorcycle!
Homer But don't you remember my bucket list? Number one: eat a bucket of fried chicken. Number two: eat another bucket of fried chicken!
Marge And number three...
Homer Eat a bucket of fried chicken as a member of a biker gang!
Marge But Homer—
Homer Hold on Marge. *dials* Can I order three buckets of fried chicken for delivery? Yes, of course I want all the sides!
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 3[edit]

After completing Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 2:
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png We're glad you decided to stick with Spiro's Heroes, Bart. With you on board, we can really make a difference in this town.
Bart Okay, but we're also gonna be doing badass biker gang stuff, right? I mean, there has to be a nearby music festival we can ride through and terrorize.
Meathook Look Bart, we know you're not old enough to ride a hog, so instead we got you a Spiro's Heroes leather jacket and an electric bike.
Bart Whoa, the license plate says "El Barto".
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png It sure does.
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png So this is the inner circle of Spiro's Heroes, huh? The gang that thinks they can operate on our turf?
Bart Uh oh. I know this guy. He's one of the most notorious gang members in greater Springfield. One time he chased the bullies and me all over town.
Ramrod I thought you ran FROM the bullies, not WITH them.
Bart I've lived many lives, Ramrod. Many lives.
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png Your friend Bart is right. I'm the leader of The Purple Nurples gang.
Bart You do realize that Spiro's Heroes is a gang that does good? So...we don't really have beef with you.
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png We Purple Nurples are the same way. We defend those who receive purple nurples.
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png Unfortunately, that was a little too long to fit on the back of our jackets, so we had to shorten it.
Meathook This town only has room for one group of defenders against wet willies, swirlies, and purple nurples!
Ramrod Gang fight!
Task: Collect Gas Cans [x125]
Task: Make Bart Defend Turf With His Slingshot (4h, Spiro's, Poppa Wheelie's, Barra, Beer -N- Brawl, Darby O'Guzzlin's, Moe's Tavern or Homes)
If the user has Wilbur Nurple: Task: Make Wilbur Nurple Call for Purple Nurple Backup (4h, Spiro's, Poppa Wheelie's, Barra, Beer -N- Brawl, Darby O'Guzzlin's, Moe's Tavern or Homes)
If the user has Meathook: Task: Make Meathook Give Wilbur Nurple a Purple Nurple (4h, Spiro's, Poppa Wheelie's, Barra, Beer -N- Brawl, Darby O'Guzzlin's, Moe's Tavern or Homes)
If the user has Ramrod: Task: Make Ramrod Watch the Flank (4h, Spiro's, Poppa Wheelie's, Barra, Beer -N- Brawl, Darby O'Guzzlin's, Moe's Tavern or Homes)
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png That's enough! Can't we all just come together and work out our issues in a more civilized fashion?
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png You're right. Let's settle this not like the gang members we are, but like the gang members we aspire to be.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Then there's only one way to resolve this conflict: The Ball of Death.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 4[edit]

After completing Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 3:
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png The only thing you have to know about the Ball of Death is this: two men enter, and only one man doesn't die.
Homer Did someone say "man"?!
Bart Dad, what are you doing here? We're kinda in the middle of a turf war.
Homer I'm here to join the Spiro's Heroes. I know I didn't pass the written test, but I found my old motorcycle, so they've got to let me in now.
Meathook Just because you have a bike doesn't make you one of us.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Now, who is representing the Purple Nurples in the Ball of Death?
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png I will represent The Purple Nurples. And who is your champion?
Meathook Well, I would do it, but my arthritic knee's been acting up.
Ramrod Uh, I don't want to take all the glory, ya know after all the glory I've taken recently with other stuff. So I'll let somebody else take this round of Ball of Death.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png Porkchop, you in? Really? You won't even do it?
Homer Bart, what is this Ball of Death I keep hearing about? It's not dangerous, is it?
Bart Dad, no. You don't want to—
Homer Everyone! As my initiation into the gang, I offer myself as your champion!
Task: Collect Gas Cans [x100]
Task: Make Homer Defy Death in the Ball of Death (4h, Ball of Death, Spiro's, Circle of Death, Poppa Wheelie's or Homes)
If the user has Wilbur Nurple: Task: Make Wilbur Nurple Defy Death in the Ball of Death (4h, Ball of Death, Spiro's, Circle of Death, Poppa Wheelie's or Homes)
Task: Make Bart Reluctantly Cheer On Homer (4h, Ball of Death, Spiro's, Circle of Death, Poppa Wheelie's or Homes)
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 5[edit]

After completing Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 4:
Bart Homer! Don't forget to accelerate when you get to the top of the Ball of Death!
Homer Yeah, yeah, yeah. How hard can it be? *accelerates*
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png First one who doesn't die wins. *accelerates*
Homer Ow!
Homer No-no-no-no-no!
Homer Ahhhh!
Homer I think I'm really getting the hang of this!
Homer D'oh!
Task: Collect Gas Cans [x125]
Task: Make Homer Eat it Hard (4h, Ball of Death, Spiro's, Circle of Death, Poppa Wheelie's or Homes)
If the user has Wilbur Nurple: Task: Make Wilbur Nurple Prevail (4h, Ball of Death, Spiro's, Circle of Death, Poppa Wheelie's or Homes)
Homer Am I the champion?
Bart Yeah. You're the champion, Dad.
Homer Woo-hoo!
Bart No, I was being lost and you're seriously injured.
Homer Oh... Yup. I'm starting to feel things...painful things. *moans*
Tapped Out Wilbur Nurple Icon.png Now that I've won, I better not see any Spiro's Heroes around these parts cleaning up graffiti or protecting nerds from bullies.
Tapped Out Spiro Icon.png With our turf gone, how are we going to make a difference in our community?
Meathook We could just go back to being badass bikers whose sole purpose is boozing, roughhousing, and more boozing.
Ramrod Yeah, why'd we ever give that up?
Meathook Let's ride through Springfield and rough up all who get in our way!
Comic Book Guy No! Don't chain-whip my comics! You just destroyed an original Cyberella!
Comic Book Guy This is just like when the necronauts overran the city and Cyberella had to rally the citizens against them!
Moe No! You're defiling my love-tester machine! How am I supposed to test my love now?!
Apu Oh, hey Meathook. Are you here to help remove some new graffiti on my wall?
Apu What are you doing? You've chain-whipped all of aisles one, two, and three! And I only have three aisles!
Homer Ah man, right when I get seriously injured, they start doing all the fun biker gang stuff...
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Where the Blubber Meets the Road[edit]

After completing Springfield Turf Wars Pt. 5:
Homer Marge, when they take this full body cast off of me, we're hitting the road on my hog and never looking back.
Marge Absolutely not. You're never driving a motorcycle ever again!
Homer Who said I'd be the one driving?!
Marge *annoyed grumble*
Homer Well, Bart, one day that beautiful hog will be passed down to you just as my grandfather gave it to my father, and my father gave it to me.
Bart I thought you won the motorcycle in a dance contest at Greaser's Café?
Homer I did. I sure did...
Bart Is something wrong with his brain?
Dr. Hibbert Not any more than usual. *chuckles*
Quest reward: Cash200 and XP20