How Low Will You Go?
How Low Will You Go? is a contest in Springfield sponsored by Grandma Plopwell's Pudding.
The show was hosted by Bill and Marty and broadcast on KBBL. The first prize was a free trip to Hartford, Connecticut even though they said Hawaii in the commercial, but Bill and Marty denied it. Krusty, Rainer Wolfcastle and Madeleine Albright were the judges.
The winner of the competition would be the person who did the stupidest thing on the stage. First up was Bart, who ate everything that was thrown at him. After Bart, Barney went on stage and drunk a six-pack of Duff Beer. After he was given a score, he was escorted off stage, despite saying that his act was actually him juggling chickens. After Barney was Homer, who wore a suit made of popcorn kernels. He then sung a song, "Kernel Knowledge". After Homer was Moe, who dressed in a sailor outfit with a giant lollipop.
After the acts had finished, Rainier Wolfcastle declared himself the winner because he had to be seen with the freaks who took part. This led to a riot because the participants didn't think a judge should be able to declare themselves the winner.
The winner of the contest was to get a vacation to Hartford, Connecticut, despite the commercial for the contest saying it would be to Hawaii. The runner-up got a free session with Boudoir Photography. After the riot, Homer stole the second place prize.