Price of Power
Tapped Out Quest Information
Price of Power is an event-exclusive questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Super Powers content update.
Pt. 1
After completing Not Another Superhero Story
Hm, Waste Case or Ooze Boy? So hard to know what name to go by.
You should “go buy” me a Squishee with your lunch money, nerd!
I'm not a nerd anymore, Jimbo. I am Waste Case!
…or Ooze Boy.
Ha! There’s no superhero update this year, Lois Lame!
Oh yeah? I'll render you powerless with just three words: Male Pattern Baldness.
How’d you know what’s under my hat?!
You DO have super powers! Don't hurt me -- I'll do anything!
Task: "Make Milhouse Strike Fear in His Enemies". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary and takes 4 hours. Task: "Search for Radioactive Ooze" (x100).
Are you sure this green ooze is gonna cover up my bald spot?
It’ll fix more than that! Slather it on! *cackle*
Why is Milhouse bossing Jimbo around? And does he usually cackle so much…?
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Radioactive Ooze Pit
Pt. 2
After completing Pt. 1
I hope the unchecked power of ooze doesn't go to Milhouse’s head.
Oops, I missed a spot on my head, better put more ooze on it. I love playing God!!!
Daddy says playing God is blasphemy.
He told me to burn in hell after I played God in the Christmas pageant.
I'm not “playing” God. I am God! You wouldn't doubt God, would you??
I'll also give you candy.
If Rod and Todd is owned: Task: "Make Rod and Todd Sell Out God for Powers". The job takes place at the Radioactive Ooze Pit and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Lisa Snoop Around From a Safe Distance". The job takes place at the Radioactive Ooze Pit and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Milhouse Show-Off". The job takes place at the Radioactive Ooze Pit and takes 4 hours. Task: "Search for Radioactive Ooze" (x150).
Being God is great!
Don't say that… I'M God!
We're all gods, and we can do whatever we want!
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Odin's of Shelbyville
Pt. 3
After completing Pt. 2
They think they're getting powers from nuclear waste. They must be stopped before someone gets hurt!
This sounds like a job for… Clobber Girl!
Too bad there's no superhero update.
Oh, right.
Then this sounds like a job for…
…regular Lisa.
Task: "Make Lisa Hide Ooze in Women’s Room". The job takes place at the Android's Dungeon and takes 4 hours. Task: "Search for Radioactive Ooze" (x200).
I've hid the ooze in the least-visited place in Springfield: the ladies’ room of the Android's Dungeon.
A woman hasn't been in there in… well, ever.
We'll see how powerful Milhouse and his goons are without their precious ooze. *cackles*
Oh man, I should've peed before I placed a barrel of toxic waste on top of the toilet…
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Stardust Drive-In
Pt. 4
After completing Pt. 3
Why’s the Drive-In packed? No one’s been here since they ran Memento backwards and it played in chronological order and people realized it stinks.
Maybe it’s because of our new jingle:
*sings* Let's all go to the lobby and trust this maniac!
Milhouse is putting the last of his ooze on the popcorn!
Task: "Make Lisa Break the Projector at the Stardust Drive-In". The job takes place at the Stardust Drive-In and takes 4 hours. Task: "Search for Radioactive Ooze" (x150).
Hey, who turned off “Spider-Man 4: The Teen With Relatable Problems”?
I did! You can't give people toxic waste! It’s going to make you sick.
The only “sick” thing is my new badass bald head and green skin.
Your hair’s falling out in clumps! Where’d you get more ooze? I hid it.
I’ll field that. My closed-circuit cameras picked up your secret -- and illegal -- hiding place.
Speaking of illegal, why do you have cameras in the bathroom?
It’s for security purposes!
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Free Land Token
Pt. 5
After completing Pt. 4
Bart, I don't know what to do -- Milhouse is mad with power and he won't listen to reason.
You mean you're jealous he's not hanging on your every word.
No… I… okay, fine, maybe it is a little insulting that he's moved on from me, even if it is for superpowers.
Never thought I'd have to help you win back Milhouse’s affections…
What you need to do is fight superpower with superpower.
I'm not putting that ooze on myself! I have sensitive skin!
Not YOU -- have Frink bring Everyman to life.
Task: "Make Lisa Bring Everyman to Life". The job takes place at Odin's of Shelbyville and takes 8 hours. Task: "Search for Radioactive Ooze" (x500).
Yes! I've been brought to life! I've been waiting for the Superhero Update!
Uh, there actually isn't one this year. People are sorta burned out on superheroes…
Even me? But I was in an episode Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg wrote. Don't they still have cachet?
I thought your power was absorbing other people's powers, not being super meta.
Fine, I'll help, but only to get my name out there again.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Everyman
Pt. 6
After completing Pt. 5
Wow, Lisa must be desperate if she turned to you for help.
You don't even have powers of your own, Everyman.
Maybe not, but you do know who I am, right?
Yes… is this some sort of superhero mind trick?
Uh, yeah, it’s definitely a superhero thing, and not massive insecurity…
Task: "Make Everyman Use Power-Absorption Power". The job takes 4 hours. Task: "Search for Radioactive Ooze" (x450).
No! You took my powers away, I'm just a helpless nerd again! How could you?
Get a clue, kid! You never had any powers, none of you did.
You all just believed that you had powers. How could you get anything good from collecting radioactive ooze?
So…the power was in us all along?
No, this isn't a comic book, you're just delirious from radiation poisoning.
You've unlocked Everyman's "Practice Super Hero Landing" Animated Job.
Quest reward: 200 and 20 "Practice Super Hero Landing" Animation