Pride and Prejudices
Tapped Out Quest Information
Pride and Prejudices is an event-exclusive questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Pride 2017 content update.
Pt. 1
After completing Mo' Money, Mo' Problems Pt. 3
Tuesday is always the worst night – I’m still recovering from the shock of the work week of Monday. And now One Night Stan’s has turned me away! But strangely, Moe’s has some familiar faces.
I was telling Waylon about the petition to get rid of the new bathroom law. Some little girl named Lisa is heading it up.
I still don’t get it – don’t we want to keep women out of the men’s room? You know, cause of the stuff we do there?
It's not that. This law is going to make life tougher for trans people.
Whatever. I’m not trans.
But your handwriting is so much like a woman’s…
It is not! Gimme that petition!
Task: "Make Lisa Collect Signatures". The job takes place at Moe's Tavern and takes 3 hours. Task: "Collect Pride Badges" (x500).
After Lisa's job is started
There! Rainier Wolfcastle should have such a macho signature!
I thought you spelled “Grady” with an “i”…
No! A “y”! A “y”!
I’m just glad to see so many gay people at Moe's. It seems like the gang is here to stay.
It is if they buy me!
Add some sass to your Springfield with Homer's gay ex-roommate Julio, now available in the store!
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Pride Crosswalk
Pt. 2
After completing Pt. 1
Dad, if you sign my petition, you can help us get rid of this new bathroom law.
Of course. I like using the ladies' room.
Homer! You can’t do that!
So, I should support the new law?
No, it’s a stupid law. I’ve already signed the petition against it. But you can’t go around using women’s restrooms! A woman has to have her privacy there.
So, the new law is stupid, but you're supporting it?
No! That law is only going to hurt people.
It's hurting my head already!
No Dad, there are people who may have been raised as boys at first but they’re girls now, they live as girls and need to use the girls’ room.
And the ones who now are boys, they need to use the boys’ room. It’s not fair to them, and we have to be fair to everybody.
Like how I can’t have a second piece of cake until everyone else has had a first piece?
Marge - Eyeroll
Yes, Homer, something like that.
Task: "Make Homer Sign Lisa’s Petition". The job takes place at Moe's Tavern and takes 3 hours. Task: "Collect Pride Badges" (x750).
I signed it. Now can I have a second piece of cake?
Of course, Homie.
And then use the ladies' room?
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Armistead's Mopeds
Pt. 3
After completing Pt. 2
Mr. Mayor, we’ve gathered more than enough signatures on this petition to have you repeal the new bathroom law.
If the good citizens of Springfield want to flip-flop on this issue, then I want to flip-flop on it too!
But I wish you people would make up your sweet minds!
Task: "Make Quimby Tear Up the New Law". The job takes place at the Town Hall and takes 3 hours. Task: "Collect Pride Badges" (x1000).
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Village Apartments w/ Grady
Pt. 4
After completing Pt. 3
Cheer up Homer – join the party!
But Marge says I can’t use the ladies' room.
Don’t worry – I figured out a solution!
Task: "Make Moe Switch the Signs on the Bathroom Doors". The job takes place at Moe's Tavern and takes 3 hours. Task: "Collect Pride Badges" (x850).
Now everything’s just like before – only better!
You've unlocked the “Ride a Moped” animated job for Grady.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 “Ride a Moped” animated job
Pt. 5
After completing Pt. 4
Moe, you’re a genius!
That’s what this card I got at the fair says.
Isn’t it just a matter of time before the new men’s bathroom is as disgusting as the old one?
That’s a problem for future Homer.
Task: "Make Homer Go Through the Door Marked “Men”". The job takes place at Moe's Tavern and takes 3 hours. Task: "Collect Pride Badges" (x1050).
That’s the secret to a successful business. Give the customer what they want!
Then why are you always so mean to us?
That’s the other secret to a successful business. The customer doesn’t know what they really want.
Quest reward: 200 and 20 One Night Stan's
Currency-earning jobs
Pt. 1
Collect Signatures
Moe's Tavern
50, 35
Serve Flaming Mo's
Explain That a Kilt is Not Cross-Dressing
Go Undercover
Order a Tom Collins
75, 55
Pt. 2
Sign Lisa's Petition
Moe's Tavern
50, 35
Wipe Down the Bar
Shape Pink Balloons Into Triangles
Do a Special Report
Flirt With Moe
75, 55
Pt. 3
Tear Up the New Law
Moe's Tavern
50, 35
Groom Neil Patrick Hairless
Drink With His Buddy Carl
Drink With His Buddy Lenny
Leer at Grady
75, 55
Pt. 4
Switch the Signs on the Bathroom Doors
Moe's Tavern
50, 35
Start a Sing-A-Long
Sea Captain
Get Mistaken for Comic Book Gay
Comic Book Guy
Pretend to Ignore Grady
75, 55
Pt. 5
Go Through the Door Marked “Men”
Moe's Tavern
50, 35
Tolerate Homer
Drink at a “Gentleman's Club”
Mr. Burns
Get Involved for Political Leverage
Tell Moe His Problems
75, 55
Behind the Laughter
The quest name is a reference to the Jane Austen novel Pride and Prejudice.