- For other uses of "Growing Pains", see Growing Pains.
Growing Pains
Tapped Out Quest Information
Growing Pains is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Summer of Our Discontent content update. It requires Cactus Lisa and Cactus Bart to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Cactus Lisa's exclamation mark
Ahh. Another beautiful day!
The sun, and the warm breeze...you couldn't ask for anything better than this.
What's wrong?
I'm BORED! All we ever do is stand here in the sun and stare at chameleons.
We're...cacti. What do you want to do?
We could go to Springfield and check out the Squidport!
Ooh, or we could go to Krustyland! Or we could try the Devil's Deluge at Mt. Splashmore!
...you know what? Let's do it!
Wait, really?
Sure, it could be fun!
Awesome! Let's go!
Hold on! Before we go, we should probably store up some energy for the trip.
Uh, and how do you propose we do that?
Let's stand here in the sun and stare at the chameleons!
Oh boy.
Task: "Make Cactus Lisa and Cactus Bart Grow Together". The job takes 4 hours.
Can we go now?
I still have a few hours left in my job.
Quit lying. It was a dual job. We ended at the same time.
Oh, alright.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Cactus Lisa's exclamation mark
Lis! Lis, you gotta see this!
I'm not falling for that again. Find someone else to throw scorpions at.
No, Lis! For real! Look!
Is that a cactus? That looks just like me?
I take some offense to that. I'm my own person. I-I mean cactus.
And she talks?
Oh man, does mine talk too?
Aw, man.
Is your cactus brother always so gullible?
You should see our Cactus Dad.
Task: "Make Cactus Bart Laugh at Bart". The job takes place at Mother Cactus and takes 4 hours. If Bart is owned: Task: "Make Bart Realize What Happened". The job takes place at Mother Cactus and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Lisa Try to Apologize". The job takes place at Mother Cactus and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Cactus Lisa Roll Her Eyes". The job takes place at Mother Cactus and takes 4 hours.
Okay, fine. You got me.
Hey, you're from Springfield, right?
Great! Can you take us there?
...take you to Springfield?
Yeah! I want to jump across Springfield Gorge on a skateboard and write something a hundred times on the chalkboard!
Man, this is gonna be awesome.
And while they're out being jerks, could you show me some of the nature in Springfield?
Really? Don't you want to see the tire fire?
Ew, gross.
No one has ever answered that question correctly before.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Cactus Lisa's exclamation mark
Wow man, look at all the colors!
This is the best day ever.
It was until now. Here come the girls.
Liiiisa! There's two of you! And one's all greeeeen.
Bart, what did you do?
We just gave Homer a donut! He looked like he wanted it!
Jelly donut, jelly donut, jelly jelly jelly jelly...
What kind of donut?
A homemade Cactus Jelly donut!
Oh no.
Task: "Make Homer Hallucinate". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Cactus Bart Look Totally Innocent". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Cactus Lisa Glare at Her Brother". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours. If Bart is owned: Task: "Make Bart Roll on the Floor Laughing". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours.
Where'd all the pretty colors go?
Dad, are you feeling better?
I'm not sure. Are there still two of you? And is one of you still green?
Yeah, he'll be fine.
I told you! Cactus Jelly is perfectly safe!
Cactus Jelly? Was that the yummy green stuff that made the walls melt?
Yup! I make it myself.
Homer - WooHoo
Woohoo! Gravy train!
I mean "Cactus Jelly train"!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Cactus Lisa's exclamation mark
There you go. Four more jars of Cactus Jelly.
Aww. Only four?
That's all we have the juice for right now.
We could always make more...
No. I hate it.
Ugh, fine.
Task: "Make Cactus Lisa and Cactus Bart Get Cactus Juice From the Source". The job takes 4 hours.
All right. That's four cases of Cactus Jelly.
Homer - WooHoo
Woo hoo!
We should probably get back to the desert before it gets dark.
Wait, you want to go back?
Look, pulling off my own head and dripping into a bucket may sound like fun but, after four hours, it can get kind of boring.
More boring than standing in the sun and staring at chameleons?
I'll race you home to find out.
You're on!
Quest reward: 200 and 20