
Land of the Flies

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Land of the Flies
Tapped Out Quest Information
Level: 5
Update: Treehouse of Horror XXXI
Required characters: Hell Teacher, Nerd Kids
Optional characters: Bullies, Skinner

Land of the Flies is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Treehouse of Horror XXXI content update. It requires the Hell Teacher to be obtained.


Pt. 1[edit]

After tapping on Hell Teacher's exclamation mark
Skinner Class, meet your new teacher, freshly transferred from Hellementary School. This is Miss...uh...
Hell Teacher Just call me Hellen.
Skinner Um, yes, of course. Are you sure you can handle these hellions, Hellen?
Milhouse - Scream Hey! Nelson just gave me a wet willy!
Hell Teacher - Happy Wet willy him back.
Milhouse - Scared But won't I get in trouble?
Hell Teacher Wrath is a virtue. What better way to grow young minds than to encourage them to seek retribution on their enemies?
Milhouse - Surprised I love my new teacher!
Task: "Make Hell Teacher Encourage Nerds to Revenge". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes.
Task: "Make Nerds Contemplate Vengeance" (x3). The jobs take place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and take 60 minutes.
Martin - Happy This is every nerd's fantasy!
Cosine Tangent - Annoyed Be warned. It could be an Ackbar scenario.
Database - Sad But what if it's NOT a trap? If we knew we wouldn't get in trouble, what would we do?
Report Card - Annoyed I have some ideas on three-by-five cards I've housed in a rented storage unit over the years.
Uter How many have you collected?
Report Card - Sinister Hundreds of thousands. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 2[edit]

After tapping on Hell Teacher's exclamation mark
Hell Teacher - Happy So what have my fine little minds come up with? As we say in Hell, one must strike while the iron is hot.
Hell Teacher And irons are always hot in Hell. Not like on the surface. Your irons cool way too quickly.
Lewis Clark We're still not convinced we won't get in trouble for this, so we're starting with a simple prank that can't easily be traced back to us.
Martin The classic "itching powder in the gym shorts". Gym class is next period.
Dolph - Surprised Man, something doesn't feel right here.
Nelson - Surprised Yeah, something's hapnin' with my junk. But it's dodgeball time and I can put itching aside if it means we get to Nail-A-Nerd!
Task: "Make Hell Teacher Enjoy the Spectacle". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 2 hours.
If Bullies are owned: Task: "Make Bullies Scratch Themselves Embarrassingly" (x3). The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 2 hours.
Task: "Make Nerds Win Dodgeball" (x3). The jobs take place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and take 2 hours.
Annika - Disgusted They scratch themselves like monkeys!
Gina Vendetti - Happy Hahaha! What a bunch of losers!
Nelson - Sick What is this strange feeling?
Jimbo - Sad This must be that thing called shame!
Kearney - Sad Let's get out of here!
Milhouse - Happy We did it!
Hell Teacher Very good, children! But bullies are known to retaliate.
Milhouse - Worried Retaliation on retaliation? This is a vicious wedgie-producing cycle!
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 3[edit]

After tapping on Hell Teacher's exclamation mark
Nelson - Angry That tears it! Itching powder, Vaseline on our locker handles, and whatever it is you nerds did to make Kearney grow pink hair...
Jimbo - Scared It's time for you dweebs to — OWW!
Cosine Tangent - Happy FYI, we ran out of prank ideas, so now we're just going to tase you.
Kearney - Pink Hair Sad Run for it!
Hell Teacher Well-played, gentlemen! Now that you have all the power, it's time you embraced it!
Uter - Happy Ja! Oompa-power!
Task: "Make Hell Teacher Encourage Nerds to Seize the Day". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 3 hours.
Task: "Make Nerds Storm Skinner's Office" (x3). The jobs take place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and take 3 hours.
If Skinner is owned: Task: "Make Skinner Feel His Authority Slipping Away". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 3 hours.
Skinner - Surprised I'm in charge and I say out of my office!
Martin - Happy Correction, sir. You WERE in charge.
Milhouse - Happy Yeah! There's some new kids on the block and it's not New Kids On The Block. It's us!
Database - Happy Your new agenda is all in this spreadsheet.
Skinner - Happy I'm outraged and yet impressed. How can one not respect a quality spreadsheet!
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 4[edit]

After tapping on Hell Teacher's exclamation mark
Miss Hoover - Gaah The coffee in the teachers' lounge is all gone! There's nothing but juice boxes!
Coach Pommelhorst - Annoyed My field hockey sticks have been replaced with gaming computers!
Dewey Largo Where are my brass instruments?! All that's here are cellos and violins!
Coach Krupt - Annoyed And my dodgeballs have been desecrated! The nerds are out of control!
Hell Teacher I think it's good to see the little tykes showing some initiative. Skinner?
Skinner - Flashback *crawling out of his office* That's SERGEANT Skinner to you! Now heads down in the jungle! Charlie is everywhere!
Miss Hoover *sigh* Flashback much, Seymour?
Task: "Make Hell Teacher Calm the Faculty Down". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
If Skinner is owned: Task: "Make Skinner Try to Get His Platoon Back Together". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Skinner - Flashback Fear! Fear is the key. If the enemy doesn't fear you, they won't respect you, and then you have no authority!
Skinner - Flashback Grodin, Barnes, I need you! King and Bunny re-engage the enemy! We have to take the high ground, men! We have to push Charlie back!
Nelson - Angry Is he talking to the nerds?
Kearney - Pink Hair Sad Don't care. I'm not going anywhere near those little freaks while that teacher from Hell has their backs.
Skinner - Flashback You mean their Russian advisor? Take her "out"! Good thinking, King!
Kearney - Pink Hair Happy Wait. Now I'm King? I sorta like that.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 5[edit]

After tapping on Hell Teacher's exclamation mark
Hell Teacher Boys, I have some good news to share with you!
Martin - Happy They agreed to rename the school after Isaac Asimov?
Hell Teacher - Happy No. I've been offered a job at Shelbyville Elementary for twice the pay.
Uter - Afraid Nein! You cannot leave us here!
Hell Teacher You'll be fine! Nerds who take on bullies always end up fine.
Milhouse - Sad *gulp*
Task: "Make Hell Teacher Prepare to Leave Springfield". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 2 hours.
Task: "Make Nerds Explain How They Won't Be Fine" (x3). The jobs take place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and take 2 hours.
If Skinner is owned: Task: "Make Skinner Lead a Platoon Counteroffensive". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 2 hours.
Cosine Tangent - Surprised We can handle things without Hell Teacher.
Skinner - Flashback Alright men, prepare to engage!
Uter - Afraid We'll be engaged? But I've never had a girlfriend!
Nelson - Happy So your scary protector isn't here anymore, eh, nerds?
Dolph - Angry Get ready for group wedgies!
Milhouse - Scared I had a dream that wedgies were how I was going to die!
Quest reward: Cash200 and XP20

Behind the Laughter[edit]

The quest name is a reference to the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding.