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The Simpsons: Tapped Out Shelbyville content update was released on December 22, 2016 and is the one hundred and thirty-ninth content update. Its content was included in the Winter 2016 event files. Its a permanent addition to the game. It added 2 new characters and 3 new decorations.
Build time
Car Impound Lot
Very Expensive Long Term Parking
Unlocks with Store Full of 900 Donuts.
Item Origins
Conform-o-meter impact
Car Impound Lot
Ned's Camper
Vanity Bonus $ and XP
200 2%
Shelbyville Manhattan Statue
200 10%
Other changes made
December 22 Update ("4_24_HomerTheHeretic")
- Cult Flying Saucer's description was changed from "From Season 13, Episode 09 "The Joy of Sect"" to "From Season 09, Episode 13 "The Joy of Sect"".
- The unreleased items of the event were released.
- New items were permanently associated with the first purchase of Donuts from 60 to 2400.
- Placing Satan's Anvil now yields
225 instead of
5,000 and has a 5% Bonus $ and XP.
- Ice Palace w/Ice Princess Martin and Giant Snow Globe were added to the Winter 2016 store.
- Building First Church of Lard Lad now yields
80 instead of
100 and its task is now premium.
- Ice Princess Martin's jobs are now premium and now require his quest parts to be active or completed.
- Ice Princess Martin is now awarded after building Ice Palace.
- Little Helper Ralph and Stupid Sexy Flanders jobs are now premium.
- Mystery Gift Bonanza's Guide end date was corrected.
- The Wiccans' jobs payout was corrected and increased by 350%.
- Fir is Murder Christmas Tree and Phone-Henge Kiosk's event currency reward was fixed.
- If the user logs after December 25th at 8am GMT, Mystery Gift Bonanza's message to promote the Christmas items now changes to "Get all your Christmas goodies in the store now!".
- Buying Ice Palace now awards
- Buying Giant Snow Globe now awards
- In the quest Cut-Glass Cathedral, Homer's "The what? Oh no, I was just picturing myself sliding up the glass roof of this place naked. Somehow it feels like Déjà vu." was changed back to "The what? Oh no, I was just picturing myself sliding up the glass roof of this place naked. Somehow it feels like déjà vu."