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The Simpsons: Tapped Out Level 59 content update was released on November 10, 2015 and is the one hundred and tenth content update, adding 1 new decoration-character combo, 1 new building-character combo, 1 new building and 1 new decoration.
Other changes made
November 10 Update ("4_17_GinaMalloy")
- World's Largest Zyrconia
- A new character group has been added, Bullies, with the following characters: Kearney, Nelson, Gina Vendetti, Dolph, Jimbo,
- The Chrono Trike's prize now depends on the level multiplier.
- Jessica Lovejoy can now visit Krustyland after starting A Krusty Reunion Pt. 1.
- Gina Vendetti and Jessica Lovejoy were added to the characters that can Ride Krusty's Giant Wheel, Ride Radioactive Man Ride, Tour the Haunted Condo and Watch the Stunt Show.
- Oldies character group now has a scrolling menu.
- Gina Vendetti was added to the characters that can't Vote Against Stonecutter Law.
- Gina Vendetti was added to the characters that can Roast S'mores.