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The Simpsons: Tapped Out's fifty-sixth content update, also known as the Yard Sale 2014 content update was released on July 17, 2014.
Returning items
Several items from several past content updates were re-added in the update.
Building time
Character(s) unlocked when built
Level required
Cool Brown Hose
Raising Pretentious Kids
Ultrahouse 2
Ignoring the First Rule of Robotics
Helter Shelter
Providing Basic Necessities
Mr. Sparkle Billboard
Practice Snake
Ice God
Mayan Calendare
After the player logs in
Not so fast, Dad. You only come into my room to punish me or steal something.
And since I'm still breathing comfortably, empty your pockets.
I just have your practice snake. I'm borrowing" it for this year's yard sale. To sell.
You signed a contract last year that you weren't going to steal my stuff and sell it for profit. It's right here...
...were'd it go?
I might have stolen and sold it. But it was for a good reason!
I had to buy a black outfit to make it easier to steal and sell your stuff.
But I promise that you will have first dibs at the yard sale to buy back all your stuff.
Unless someone makes me a better offer of any offer or a sandwich.
Celebrate the Summer by buying some of the cool stuff you might have missed! Available for a limited time only!
Apocalypse Now, Again? Pt. 1
After tapping on Mayan Marge's exclamation mark
Where am I? The last thing I remember is slipping at the top of a temple and falling down some stairs. Anyone know what baktun it is?
It's the anniversary of us Mayans inventing chocolate?
The invention of chocolate anniversary is next month... after the world ends. So cancel your parades.
But the floats were non-refundable!
I could probably be convinced to hold off on all this nasty end of the world business with a human sacrifice.
Perhaps I can interest you in a coupon for a squishee instead?
5% off? No Deal! Bring me a human sacrifice or I'll destroy the world!
The player receives "Apocalypse Now, Again? Pt. 1" which is to "Make Mayan Homer Look for a Human Sacrifice" and "Make Mayan Marge Look for a Human Sacrifice". It takes 4 hours.
Any luck Homey?
No… It turned out that squishee coupon was expired so I had to pay full price.
I meant with the whole “finding a human that we can ritualistically kill to save the world” thing.
Aww, two failures in one day? That's not even a new record.
Three failures!
Apocalypse Now, Again? Pt. 2
After tapping on Mayan Marge's exclamation mark
So, we still haven't found a human sacrifice and our time is almost up. What are we going to do now?
Maybe we could just sacrifice Disco Stu again. That seemed to work the last time.
After you sacrifice someone, Homer, it's pretty hard to sacrifice them again.
I guess we'll just have to sacrifice...me. Unless you're willing to offer yourself instead?
Oh, I totally would. It's just that I really wanted to see if the world would end or not. No spoilers!
The player receives "Apocalypse Now, Again? Pt. 2" which is to "Make Mayan Homer Avoid Spoilers", Place the Mayan Calendar", and "Make Mayan Marge Wait to be Sacrificed". It takes 12 hours.
Mom, why are you strapped to an ancient calendar in the middle of Springfield? And why are you wearing that skimpy outfit?
She's appealing to the 18 to 35 male demographic. You'll learn about that when Halloween stops being about candy and starts being about eye candy.
Actually, sweetheart. I'm trying to save the world from the terrible wrath of the Mayan God by offering myself up as a human sacrifice.
You can't sacrifice yourself! Who will be at home sacrificing their happiness for the children's?
I'm right here, Lisa.
I was including you with the children.
Apocalypse Now, Again? Pt. 3
After tapping on Mayan Stone God's exclamation mark
I have arrived to accept the human sacrifice!
Isn't there anything else we can do?
NO! Only a human sacrifice will do. Or a brief, anticlimactic dance.
Hey! You didn't say that before.
I'm pretty sure I did. I would remember -- I'm a god.
The player receives "Apocalypse Now, Again? Pt. 3" which is to "Make Mayan Marge Perform an Ancient Dance with Mayan Homer". It takes 8 hours.
See also