The Great Simpsina
The Great Simpsina is the eighteenth episode of Season 22.
Lisa becomes an apprentice when she meets the Great Raymondo, the most magical of magicians. He tells Lisa a secret about a magic trick, but when she develops a crush on a boy at school, Lisa accidentally leaks the secret out to a rival magician. However, the Raymondo has one last card tucked up his sleeve and when the rival magician sets to perform the trick, they try to stop him to do so. A quartet of magicians appear on the scene, who attempt to kill the Raymondo, but Lisa finds out they're no match for him.
One day, the Simpsons go peach picking. They come back home with too many peaches, so they eat only recipes with peaches. After an while, all the family except Marge gets tired of eating peaches. In an attempt to get rid of the peaches, Homer takes Marge to get a massage. Meanwhile, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie take the peaches to different locations. Bart no longer has his peaches when bullies take over. Lisa is lost in a deserted area. A raccoon chases Lisa inside an illusionist's house. When the illusionist called "The Great Raymondo" finds her, he questions her and teaches her some magic tricks. Lisa starts presenting magic tricks to the school, and to "The Great Raymondo". It soon turns to trouble when she finds the secret to "The Great Milkcan Escape". She presents to the school but after, the Cregg Demon's Son of "Cregg Demon" "magic freak" tricks her into giving the secret. Then he tells him. Cregg Demon said that he is going to present it at his next magic show, the "World Magic Championship", and says Houdini's ghost told him in a dream. Raymondo, upset, tells Lisa to get out. Lisa tries to stop doing magic. Soon after, Raymondo forgives her. At the magic show, some other magicians replace the fake milkcan with a real one so that Cregg Demon cannot get out. Lisa wants to save him, but no one does. After a magic battle, Raymondo saves him by making a girder fall onto the magicians, and Cregg Demon quits magic. At the end, Raymondo and Lisa do their act
The episode was watched in an estimated 4.996 million households, gathering the lowest ever recorded viewers since The Simpsons premiered in 1989.[1] When this episode premiered in the UK, this episode was watched in 513,000 households.