The People's Author
Tapped Out Quest Information
The People's Author is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Treehouse of Horror XXIX content update. It requires Tween Lit Inc. to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Slick's exclamation mark
More trouble in Springfield? Well, it’s an ill wind that blows no book deal.
When Halloween horrors stalk the streets, people hide under the covers.
And when they’re hiding in fear, they’ll need a good book to read.
You there, cornpone. Any idea what kids are reading these days?
Mine ain’t reading much of anything. Just holding possum tails and pretendin’ they’re smarty-phones.
Hayseed, you just gave me an idea.
Task: "Make Slick Listen In to What the Kids are Saying". The job takes place at Tween Lit Inc. and takes 4 hours.
Thanks for downloading my app.
In return for me monitoring everything you text, you get…
An app that occasionally chirps.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Slick's exclamation mark
I’ve analyzed millions of chats from thousands of children, and made an amazing discovery.
Girls like vampire novels. Guess I could’ve saved myself a little time and guessed that.
So now you’re going to write a wonderful vampire novel?
With your help. I need the little girl perspective on what’s good.
Can I help too? They say I have very feminine sensibilities.
Absolutely. Now, why don’t you kids write a sample first chapter, just so I get an idea what you like.
I’ll get to work on clothes for when I win the Man Booker Prize.
Task: "Make Slick Try Out Ascot Ties". The job takes place at Shops and takes 8 hours. Task: "Make Youngsters Write a Novel" (x3). The jobs take place at Tween Lit Inc. and take 8 hours.
We wrote the first chapter. It’s pretty good, but I’m sure you’ll do much better.
Great! Hey listen, why don’t you all write the next chapter? Just so I know the sort of plot development you kids like.
I’ve never been trusted by an adult before!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Slick's exclamation mark
So kids, how’s my book coming along?
We basically wrote the whole thing. When exactly are you going to get involved?
Right now. I’m not so much an author, as a guy who comes up with marketing plans.
Let’s start with a focus group. And who better to rate this book than the kids who wrote it?
Task: "Make Slick Use a Focus Group". The job takes place at Tween Lit Inc. and takes 8 hours. Task: "Make Youngsters Attend a Focus Group" (x3). The jobs take place at Tween Lit Inc. and take 8 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Slick's exclamation mark
Reviews of my new book are in!
"Unimaginative and predictable". The Daily Fourth Gradian.
How could you pan the book you wrote yourselves?!
Because you put your name on it!
Task: "Make Slick Have the Book Thrown at Him". The job takes 4 hours.
Ow! I think that last one may have given me brain damage!
Or a brilliant idea for a book! An author turned on by his fickle public reinvents himself for the better.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Slick's exclamation mark
I knew it! My new book is a hit.
So the public loved your lacerating self-exploration?
No, that was a terrible idea.
Instead, I ripped off that book about 80's video games. I call it “Steady Player Fun”.
Task: "Make Slick Admire His Brilliance". The job takes place at Tween Lit Inc. and takes 24 hours.
Who needs a prize when you’ve got a good ascot tie?
Quest reward: 200 and 20