Boy Meets Curl
Template:Episode with billboard
Homer takes Marge out for a romantic evening of ice skating and hand-holding, but upon entering the rink, they encounter a curling team practicing. Marge and Homer take to the ice and discover their love for the sport, and soon after, join the curling team and compete with them in the Olympic trials. Team Springfield claims the win and moves on to the 2010 Vancouver Games where Bob Costas covers the action. Meanwhile, vendors introduce Lisa to the world of collecting Olympic mascot pins, and before long, Lisa is hopelessly addicted. Lisa trades off her pearls, leaving her a shell of her former self. Bart finds out, and creates a fake 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics pin, "Fatov", by cutting out Homers mouth on his ID. He trades this to the the vendor Lisa gave her pearls to in exchange for the pearls.