Kiss Kiss Bang Bangalore
"Kiss Kiss Bang Bangalore"
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Episode Information
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore is the seventeenth episode of the seventeenth season of The Simpsons, guest-starring Richard Dean Anderson. The Springfield Nuclear Power Plant is moved to India and Homer is chosen to work at the Indian plant, but with all the things he gets, he thinks he's a God.
Homer learns that the nuclear power plant is being shut down and outsourced to India. Homer is the only employee who will work at the Indian plant, while all of the others are fired. Meanwhile, Patty and Selma meet their Hollywood heartthrob, MacGyver (Richard Dean Anderson), only to find that he is totally uninterested in MacGyver.
Meanwhile, Homer realizes to his horror that he has come to India (which he previously mistook for Indiana and Illinois, simultaneously). After a brief standoff with a sacred cow, Homer looks for a relative of Apu, who should be around here somewhere. After randomly asking people (for three seconds), he ("Finally!") gets the right man on the second try.
Back in Springfield, Patty and Selma kidnap Richard Dean Anderson from his Stargate SG-1 convention and tie him to a chair. From there, he manages to escape... only to discover that he loves escaping, and starts having Patty and Selma put him through increasingly complex MacGyver-esque kidnapping trials.
In India, Homer is coming to love the concept of outsourcing. With "help" from a book Marge gave him to read on the plane trip, The Cereal is the Prize, Homer is able to spur the natives into a working frenzy. Or so it appears; actually they assume that if they cheer, they will be allowed to go back to work. Homer, Smithers and Mr. Burns get a positive (if inaccurate) impression from this, and Homer is put in total charge of the power plant while Mr. Burns takes time off to have fun floating down the Ganges. Homer, left in charge of a slightly-overgrown nuclear power plant on a river in the middle of nowhere, appraises the Hindu deities and decides he might be a god.
Soon, Mr. Burns and the rest of the Simpson family travel upriver on a PT boat in an Apocalypse Now manner, and find that Homer is ruling the plant like a god. Horrified, Marge tells the plant workers that Homer is not a god. They cheerfully explain that they know, and are worshipping him instead for the American workplace routines he has installed, like coffee breaks. Mr. Burns, enraged, fires everyone and decides to move the plant back to Springfield. This makes the workers ecstatic due to the various firing clauses Homer has written into their contracts. The episode ends with the Simpsons, Lenny, Carl, Patty, Selma, Richard Dean Anderson and Mr. Smithers joining native dancers in a musical party in the plant, for which the audio continues into the credits.
- Before the movie plays, Lenny is sitting in the far back row. When Burns announces that the plant is being outsourced, he is a few rows down and surrounded by several workers.
- When Lenny and Carl arrive in India, Carl is wearing a white polo shirt. Later, when he opens the tiger door, he is wearing his regular clothing.
Factual Errors
- The Taj Mahal is not in Bangalore.
- The river that runs behind the Taj Mahal is the Yamuna, not the Ganges.
- Homer steps off the plane and sees where he is
Homer: This isn't India! Where's the University of Notre Dame and the Indy 500 and Wrigley Field and Dodger Dogs?!
Indian Woman: You ignorant American! You have confused India with Indiana, Indiana with Illinois, and the Cubs with the Dodgers!
Homer: I took a job on the other side of the world?! (groans as the camera pulls to a satellite's view of India) I hate this subcontinent! - Richard Dean Anderson: (after being kidnapped) You won't get away with this! People will know I'm missing! There's a liquor store I go to every morning!
- Selma (forcing Richard Dean Anderson to write an autograph on her breasts): You can write "help me" all you want! No one will ever see it! (sinister laugh)
- Lenny (sitting in the back row of the plant's auditorium): I wouldn't sit too close if I were you. It's bad for your eyes. (camera pulls out, revealing a vat of nuclear waste behind Lenny, which glows through his skeleton)
- Homer: (sweetly) Oh, Marge. I've never been less angry to receive a book.
Marge: (touched) Aw. - Homer: All right, book, I didn't read you and you didn't read me...
- Homer: (contemplating a mosaic of Hindu gods) Let's see, you got the Elephant Man, Johnny Six Arms, Papa Smurf... You know, maybe I am one of these guys. If only I had some sort of proof. (Opens soda bottle, then looks at cap and gasps) I won a free soda! I AM A GOD!
- Richard Dean Anderson (finding Selma's XXXL bra during an escape): A-bra, Kada-bra!
- Lenny (arriving in India): We're worried about Homer. He sent us this weird card.
(shows card. On the cover, it says "Come celebrate my promotion..." On the next page, it says "...TO GOD!" The camera then shows a hand-written note saying "My cell phone number will be the same.")
Guard (points to two doors): One of these doors leads to Homer Simpson. The other leads to a Bengal tiger. Choose wisely.
(Lenny opens one door, which has a tiger; he closes the door. Carl opens the other door, which has a tiger; he closes the door)
Carl: Both these doors have tigers!
Guard: One of these tigers is named "Homer Simpson". - Lenny: Ya know Moe, that sign is powered by non-American workers.
Moe: So? The beer is German and the TV is Japanese.
Carl: You got anything here made in America?
Moe (angrily gets out shotgun): This! (cocks the gun, but the back explodes in his face) Oh God! Misfire! - Selma: MacGyver's back and not just at 2:00 am on the USA Network!
- Richard Dean Anderson: That show was just a paycheck to me, nothing more.
- Patty: Richard Dean Anderson just off the wrong two Richard Dean Anderson fans!
- Mr. Burns: Before we begin the movie, I would like to hold a moment of silence to remember the workers who gave their lives to...
Homer: Movie! Movie! Movie! - Richard Dean Anderson: Did somebody mention my names?
- Richard Dean Anderson: I want you to put through another escape. But this time, don't make it so easy!
Patty: Okay. (hits Richard Dean Anderson's head with a hammer) Is that too much?
Selma: Not for MacGyver! (hits him with the hammer) - Comic Book Guy: Richard Dean Anderson, of the four "Star" franchises: Wars, Trek, Gate, and Search, "Gate" is easily in my top three!
Richard Dean Anderson: I get that a lot. - Comic Book Guy: What in the name of Steve Ditko?!
- Comic Book Guy (after Richard is kidnapped): He's gone!
Doug: There must be a Stargate in this room!
Benjamin: Let us find it!
Comic Book Guy: Wait! I have some even more exciting news! I have heard that there is a girl in this room!
Squeaky Voiced Teen: Let us find her!
(the nerds close in on Willie)
Willie: This isn't a dress! It's a kilt! And I'm not a girl!
Squeaky Voiced Teen: You're the closest we'll ever get! - Richard Dean Anderson (dressed as MacGyver): Hey, ladies! Guess who made MacGyver burgers? MacGyver!
Selma: But we didn't have any ground beef.
Richard Dean Anderson: True. But you did have Slim Jims, a cheese grater, and rubber bands to hold it all together! - Bart: So, Mr. Burns, you're saying my dad has gone insane, thinks he's a god, and has sealed himself in the plant, cutting off all touch with the outside world?
Smithers: Sir, I told you Simpson would be a bad choice to run the plant.
Mr. Burns: You know, Smithers, "I told you so" has a brother. His name is, "Shut the hell up"! - Marge: You are not a god!
Homer: I am a god!
Lisa: Then when's mom's birthday?
Homer: Uh, Janu...Febu...Mar...
Marge: It's May!
Homer: Right. May fir...sec...thir... - Richard Dean Anderson: I've come up with another escape. I want you to tie me up and lock me in the trunk of your car, under the pier at low tide. All I need are these everyday objects — a toothpick, some liquor, a gun with no bullets, bullets, and three of my MacGyver writers.
Selma: Okay. Maybe we can do it during lunch.
Richard Dean Anderson (childishly): Now! - Richard Dean Anderson (as he's being kidnapped): Watch the face! I need that for acting!
- Homer (reading the book): "Fried eggs are as important to business as bacon."
Worker 1 (subtitled from Hindi): What's he talking about?
Female Worker (subtitled from Hindi): Fried eggs? I have a degree in physics from M.I.T.
Worker 2 (subtitled from Hindi): Maybe if we cheer, he'll let us go back to work! - (Burns, Smithers, and the Simpsons arrive at the Indian power plant, with the workers chanting 'mylar balloons')
Marge: Should we take our stuff or are we coming back on the same boat?
Burns: Same boat, but take it anyway. I'm renting the boat to a Dixieland booze cruise.
(they disembark as an Indian Dixie Land band gets on the boat) - Burns: The man's a genius! We don't need to be here to help him.
Homer: You mean you're giving me absolute power!?
Smithers: Sir, doesn't that corrupt?
Burns: Absolutely...not! - Richard Dean Anderson: MacGyver, AWAY!
- Homer: Well, I'm just glad I'm not a god anymore. Let's go home. How's Chief Wiggum?
Marge: He was gravely wounded in a bank shooting.
Homer: Yeah, he's funny. - Homer: I was playing Carnac with my bodyguard...
(Homer removes the turban from his Sikh bodyguard, and places it on his own head. He then places an envelope to his head)
Homer (in Johnny Carson voice): Hin...du
(Homer rips open the envelope, blows into it, removes the card inside and reads...)
Homer (in Johnny Carson voice): The moisture that collects on my Hin!
Broadcasting Information
- 1st Airdate: Sunday, April 9, 2006
- 2nd Airdate: Sunday, June 11, 2006
- 1st Airdate: Sunday, May 21, 2006
- 2nd Airdate: Friday, May 26, 2006 (Encore Screening)
- 3rd Airdate: Monday, August 7, 2006
- 4th Airdate: Wednesday, August 30, 2006
- 1st Airdate: Tuesday, July 25, 2006