Essay on the Principle of Delegation
Tapped Out Quest Information
Essay on the Principle of Delegation is a premium quest in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the 4th of July 2017 part of the Time Traveling Toaster content update. It requires Dwight D. Eisenhower to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Dwight D. Eisenhower's exclamation mark
Now, then. Essays are won or lost on the might of the thesis statement. What do we have so far?
Uh... "Eisenhower, despite being bald, was a great leader and of our many presidents, he was one"?
Do you know the first thing about me?
No, and I don't really want to. If you could just write the paper--
Son, this will be the greatest paper ever conceived by the minds of free men. Strap in!
Task: "Make Eisenhower Teach Bart About Eisenhower". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Bart Try to Avoid Learning About Eisenhower". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Dwight D. Eisenhower's exclamation mark
Are all American children as lazy as your brother, miss? You may speak.
Lisa - Eyeroll
Oh, really? Gee, thanks for the permission.
You're welcome.
Anyway, no. But Bart's not lazy, exactly. In fact, he won't stop until he gets one of you to write the paper for him.
Hmm. Oh, on another topic -- in my day the Russians were quite a threat to our democracy. How we doing on that front nowadays?
About that...
Task: "Make Bart Figure Out How to Convince Presidents". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Dwight D. Eisenhower's exclamation mark
I will not be coerced into writing your paper for you, young man.
Oh yeah? Well I've just come back from the library, and I dug up dirt on ALL you ex-Presidents.
I thought the whole point was to AVOID research, Bart.
Are you trying to blackmail us, young man?
Task: "Make Bart Blackmail the Presidents". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Presidents Get Nervous". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours.
Bart, do you honestly believe any of us have embarrassing photos in our past?
Certainly not of me, there were no cameras back in the 18th century.
Dick Nixon'll do whatever you ask. Blackmail away.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
"Presidents" consist of:
Pt. 4
After tapping on Dwight D. Eisenhower's exclamation mark
I give up. I'm gonna fail.
What? No operation of mine has EVER failed!
The arsenal of democracy cannot suffer defeat! You will finish this essay, or I will finish it for you!
Uh... no?
Step aside! Ex-Presidents! Gather 'round! Your country needs you once more!
Task: "Make Eisenhower Hand Over His Essay". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 200 and 20