The Simpsons: Tapped Out Dog Days content update/Gone to the Dogs Gameplay
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Gone to the Dogs[edit]
Gone to the Dogs Pt. 1[edit]
After the user logs in on June 24th:
*bark* *woof* Chief we've tripled the arrests since taking over for those buffoons!
*bark* They should have quadrupled!
*arf* We need more feet in the street... I mean paws.
*ruff* *woof* We need to head to the rough part of town and scrounge up some real muscle from the junkyard.
*bark* On my way Chief.
Meanwhile in the basement...
Alright I'm willing to concede that we may have lost control here.
Eating their dog food is helping no one.
We're gonna need an expert.
An expert is how we got into this mess in the first place.
Then we're gonna need someone who's more — experter.
Task: Collect Dog Collars [x145]) Task: Make Wiggum Try to Think of Someone More Experter (4h, Police Station) If the user has Lou: Task: Make Lou Get New Orders From Laddie (4h, Police Station or Homes) If the user has Eddie: Task: Make Eddie Get New Orders From Laddie (4h, Police Station or Homes)
I've got it! We hire a dog whisperer who will then whisper to us what they're up to!
*whispers* But you can't hear whispers.
What's that Lou?
Or we hire a LOUD dog behavior expert to trick the dogs into giving the power back to us.
These dogs are pretty smart. Do you really think an expert can outsmart them?
Pfft just leave it to me Lou.
By which I mean the expert. But leave it to me to hire the expert – and then we'll leave it all up to the expert.
Very confusing but most of your plans are.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Gone to the Dogs Pt. 2[edit]
After completing Gone to the Dogs Pt. 1:
So you're from the Dognitive Behavioral Therapy Institute?
That's right. Elaine Wolff. I specialize in Dognitive Behavioral Therapy.
I don't want to hear that again so please proceed.
I'm a firm believer in getting inside the mind of a dog to really analyze their motivations. I can solve your pooch problem by bringing in an expert.
I thought YOU were the expert?
On why dogs scooch their butts across the carpet not canine hierarchical power structures. This requires the big guns.
Task: Collect Dog Collars [x145] If the user has Elaine Wolff: Task: Make Elaine Wolff Consult With Crazy Dog Man (4h, Dognitive Behavioral Institute) Task: Make Wiggum Get Budget Approval for the Big Guns (4h, Police Station)
Hraaarjjkjrjar! *throws dog*
I hear what you're saying. So the power structure has limits?
Skrajjkjhewaarjh! *throws two dogs*
Of course. The carrot and the stick. It's classic behavioral conditioning.
You can understand him?
When you're married to a crazy person for ten years you pick up some things.
Karagibukaaaa! I just told him that last month's alimony check is still missing.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Gone to the Dogs Pt. 3[edit]
After completing Gone to the Dogs Pt. 2:
Alright we're using the carrot and the stick approach with the dogs.
We give them carrots and sticks?
No. The "carrot" is the reward for behavior we desire. We'll entice them with things doggies love.
Dog parks snack dispensers and pig's ears...
I like those things too!
They're not meant for you.
No fair! Can I at least have a stick?
There are no sticks. It's a metaphor.
I can't fetch a metaphor!
Fine. Fetch some sticks.
I'll keep an eye on him.
Task: Collect Dog Collars [x125]) Task: Make Wiggum Gather Sticks (4h, Trees) If the user has Elaine Wolff: Task: Make Elaine Wolff Oversee Construction of "Carrots" (4h, Dognitive Behavioral Institute) If the user has Lou: Task: Make Lou Turn to the Camera and Make a Face (4h, Police Station)
Mr. Simpson is it true that on the 14th of October you said to your dog and I quote "Who's a good boy?"
Detective is there a problem with that?
I'm the one asking the questions ma'am.
Now Mr. Simpson is your dog in fact a good boy?
No I lied. I only said that to convince someone to buy him from us.
He's a bad boy...he's a really bad boy.
Homer how could you?!
That's all the questions for now. Your family needs some room to heal.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Gone to the Dogs Pt. 4[edit]
After completing Gone to the Dogs Pt. 3:
Are the carrots distracting the dogs so that we can take back our precinct?
Meanwhile at the Police Station...
*bark* *bark* The humans are accepting our rule. We've even received snack dispensers and pig's ears.
And have you visited the new Springfield Dog Park? *woof*
I've already left messages for the others on fire hydrants there.
Now it's time to smack the humans with the rolled-up newspaper of our superiority. *bark*
*bark* And you've brought more muscle from the junkyard. *woof*
*woof* Just tell me who I gotta bite.
*bark* Finally it's my turn to lift my leg of rule on the humans!
*bark* *bark* Then take to the streets! Clamp the jaws of authority on any human that questions you! *bark*
Um...yeah. We're still cooking the carrots...
Task: Collect Dog Collars [x125] Task: Make Wiggum Wait Patiently on Dog Psychology (4h, Police Station) If the user has Elaine Wolff: Task: Make Elaine Wolff Give More "Carrots" (4h, Police Station or Homes) Task: Make Homer Answer More of McGriff's Questions (4h, Simpson House) If the user has Lou: Task: Make Lou Run From Tyrannical Police Dogs (4h) If the user has Eddie: Task: Make Eddie Run From Tyrannical Police Dogs (4h) If the user has Emily Winthrop: Task: Make Emily Winthrop Check in to See How Things Are Going (4h, Police Station or Homes)
I feel like this is not quite going according to plan.
*fighting off dogs* You think?!
Maybe we should try the actual sticks now?
I'm way ahead of you! *swings a stick*
*bark* *ruff* Attacking an officer of the paw is a crime! You're going downtown. *handcuffs Elaine Wolff* *bark*
Meanwhile at the Simpson house...
Things have gone to the dogs! Meaning police dogs are locking up anyone who refuses to give treats!
And they're planting evidence of chewed-up homework on humans to deflect blame from dogs!
Actually I mighta ate one of your history papers. Mmm... Louisiana Purchase.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Gone to the Dogs Pt. 5[edit]
After completing Gone to the Dogs Pt. 4:
I'm tired of everyone in town complaining that I created a terrifying police dog state.
What are you gonna do about it?
Nothing. I just wanted to say I'm really tired.
We should get out of here. I hear the dogs coming.
Task: Collect Dog Collars [x185] Task: Make Wiggum Hide From the Dogs (4h, Police Station, Springfield Penitentiary or Homes) If the user has Lou: Task: Make Lou Hide From the Dogs (4h, Police Station or Homes) If the user has Eddie: Task: Make Eddie Hide From the Dogs (4h, Police Station or Homes) If the user has Elaine Wolff: Task: Make Elaine Wolff Use Her One Phone Call (4h, Police Station or Homes)
Chief Wiggum?
Elaine? I thought they arrested you? Wait. You're a fool if you used your one phone call to call me.
Then I'm a fool. Just get me out of this!
Well I'm kinda tied up right now. Yes the dogs caught me and tied me up.
Who knew dogs could tie knots?
Quest reward: 200 and 20