
Scratching the Seven Year Itch

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Scratching the Seven Year Itch
Tapped Out Quest Information
Level: 5
Update: Poochie's Dog Dayz
Requirement(s): Picnic Spot
Required characters: Mrs. Scratchy
Optional characters: Scratchy

Scratching the Seven Year Itch is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out, It was introduced in the Poochie's Dog Dayz content update. It requires the Picnic Spot to be obtained.


Pt. 1[edit]

After tapping on Mrs. Scratchy's exclamation mark:
Mrs. Scratchy - Happy Happy anniversary, Scratchy. I made a special dinner, and maybe after we can get into some catnip.
Scratchy - Pained It looks great, but I'm not really that hungry.
Scratchy - Pained Itchy made me a pretty big lunch of carbolic acid, which is pretty filling, plus it dissolved my entire midsection...
Mrs. Scratchy - Annoyed It's always work, work, work with you, isn't it?!
Mrs. Scratchy - Annoyed Well, work on this!
Task: "Make Mrs. Scratchy Serve Scratchy a "Dynamite" Dessert". The job takes place at a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Mrs. Scratchy - Sad I've had it with this marriage! I took our wedding vows seriously, but "till death do us part" never lasts long with you!
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 2[edit]

After tapping on Mrs. Scratchy's exclamation mark
Mrs. Scratchy - Annoyed Scratchy's such a jerk! First he doesn't eat my dinner, then he allows himself to be blown up!
Mrs. Scratchy - Annoyed Well I'm not gonna sit around in a black veil waiting for him to come back to life!
Mrs. Scratchy I'm young, my whiskers aren't grey yet.
Mrs. Scratchy - Happy I'm getting on that new dating app called "Swiper".
Task: "Make Mrs. Scratchy Fill Out a Dating App Profile". The job takes place at a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
After starting the job
Mrs. Scratchy Okay, profile pictures: the only photos I have of myself are me holding a book I never read, at a concert of a band I don't like...
Mrs. Scratchy - Happy ...and one from three years ago that looks nothing like me. They're perfect!
Mrs. Scratchy Interests: Food, travel, and living my best life!
Mrs. Scratchy - Annoyed ...unlike Scratchy.
After finishing the task
Mrs. Scratchy - Happy Ooh, I already got some matches on my dating app!
Mrs. Scratchy Fat Tony... maybe he means Cat Tony?
Mrs. Scratchy Moleman... seems like a furry creature indeed...
Mrs. Scratchy And Bumblebee Man... no mistaking what his deal is -- a Mexican actor who dresses in a bee costume.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 3[edit]

After tapping on Mrs. Scratchy's exclamation mark
Mrs. Scratchy - Sad I'm so nervous, I haven't been on a first date since I met Scratchy.
Mrs. Scratchy - Happy It was so romantic. He took me to the purr-fect restaurant... picked up the "tabby"... used a bunch of cat-puns...
Mrs. Scratchy - Happy *flashback harp*
Mrs. Scratchy - Sad No, don't go into a flashback! Even on our first date, Itchy was the waiter and served him coq au BLAM and blew him up! It's time for me to move on.
Task: "Make Mrs. Scratchy Go on a Bad Date" (x3). The job takes place at Eateries or Bars and takes 8 hours.
After starting the first job
Mrs. Scratchy - Flirty So, have you ever been on a date with a cartoon cat?
Fat Tony No, but I sold cartons of RAT milk to schoolchildren. Does that count for anything?
Mrs. Scratchy - Surprised ...!
After starting the second job
Mrs. Scratchy - Flirty This is my first time using online dating. What about you?
Hans Moleman I've only used Swiper, Matchr, AlrightValentine, eChoir, FarmhandsExclusive, Swingin'Christian, and m-date -- an app for dating Moleman.
Mrs. Scratchy - Surprised ...!
After starting the third job
Mrs. Scratchy - Sad I don't know what I'm doing... I'm not cut out for the dating world. I've been a wife for too long...
Bumblebee Man ...
Mrs. Scratchy Sorry to go on and on... you're such a good listener.
Bumblebee Man - Surprised Que?
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 4[edit]

After tapping on Mrs. Scratchy's exclamation mark
Mrs. Scratchy Is this what I have to look forward to? Meeting that string of weirdos has really helped me put my marriage in perspective.
Mrs. Scratchy - Happy So what if I'm a widow more often than a wife? At least I love my husband!
Mrs. Scratchy - Annoyed And it's really not Scratchy's fault.
Mrs. Scratchy - Annoyed He's just trying to make an honest living, but that horrible Itchy keeps making him an honest corpse!
Itchy Hi-ya, Mrs. Scratchy! Looks like Scratchy's still in cat-heaven, so I'll come back later.
Mrs. Scratchy - Annoyed Not so fast, you murderous mouse!
Mrs. Scratchy - Annoyed You and I need to have a heart to heart -- if you don't lay off my husband a little, I'm going to chop you in half and make your heart TWO hearts!
Task: "Make Mrs. Scratchy Scratch Out Her Itchy Aggression". The job takes 8 hours.
Mrs. Scratchy - Annoyed Have I made myself clear?
Itchy - Surprised Whatever you say! You're the boss!
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 5[edit]

After tapping on Mrs. Scratchy's exclamation mark
Mrs. Scratchy Scratchy? Oh good, you're waking up.
Scratchy - Sad Hey honey, was I out for long? What did I miss?
Mrs. Scratchy - Happy Nothing, I was just packing us a nice picnic. Let's go!
Task: "Make Mrs. Scratchy Go on a Picnic". The job takes place at the Picnic Spot and takes 4 hours.
If Scratchy is owned: Task: "Make Scratchy Go on a Picnic". The job takes place at the Picnic Spot and takes 4 hours.
Mrs. Scratchy - Happy *happy sigh* Thanks for making this such a special day, sweetheart.
Scratchy - Happy It was wonderful! I can't remember the last time I felt so relaxed.
Mrs. Scratchy Alright, he's all yours, Itchy.
Itchy - Happy Picnic much more fun with flesh-eating ants!
Scratchy - Surprised *screams*
Quest reward: Cash200 and XP20

Behind the Laughter[edit]

The quest name is a reference to the romantic comedy film The Seven Year Itch.