
Milhouse FTW!

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Milhouse FTW!
Tapped Out Quest Information
Level: 8
Update: "The Yellow Badge of Cowardge" episode tie-in
Required characters: Milhouse, Fit™ Milhouse
Next quest(s): Lugash-sthetics Pt. 1

Milhouse FTW! is a temporary questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in "The Yellow Badge of Cowardge" episode tie-in content update.


Pt. 1[edit]

After tapping on Milhouse's exclamation mark
Milhouse - Sad *Sigh*
Homer - Happy Hey, it's what's-his-name... Glasses McBluehair?
Milhouse - Sad No, Mr. Simpson. My name is--
Homer - Sarcastic Wait, don't tell me! I totally know you -- you're Lisa's boyfriend, or girlfriend, or something. Uhhh... Martin?
Milhouse - Sad No, close though.
Homer - Thoughtful Okay, think, Homer. Not Nelson, because he's cool. God, I wish I was Nelson. Okay, gotta focus... close to Martin... Comic Book Guy?
Milhouse - Sad That's not a good guess at all.
Homer Principal Skinner? Duffman? Lard Lad? The Kwik-E-Mart?
Milhouse - Sad My last name is Van Houten.
Homer - Confused ...
Homer - Serious Are you sure I know you?
Milhouse - Sad *Sigh*
Lenny Hey Homer! Whatcha doin'?
Homer - Happy Just messing with Milhouse to cheer him up. He seemed kind of down.
Carl Sorry to hear that. What's up, kid? Did future Lisa future divorce future you again?
Milhouse - Sad No, field day is coming up at school and I've already got a closet full of last-place trophies in one of those. I don't know what to do.
Lenny You could rent a storage unit!
Carl Yeah, I bet you could fit a crapload of last-place trophies in one of those.
Lenny It's fun solving people's problems!
Homer - Serious I think Milhouse actually wants to NOT lose.
Lenny - Sad Oh, like win? That's super-hard.
Carl I'd seriously give the storage unit some thought.
Homer - Happy Come on, guys – let's help him win!
Milhouse - Sad Do you guys actually know anything about fitness?
Homer - Thoughtful I know "feel the burn" is a thing. And there's something called cardio, which is either good or bad. Also electrolytes, maybe?
Carl Listen to Professor Jack Lalanne over here!
Milhouse - Sad Maybe I should just look up fitness on the internet.
Lenny The inter-what-now?
Milhouse The internet. It's where I learned about the civil war, dinosaurs, my parents' divorce, my parents getting back together...
Milhouse - Sad ...the tidal wave approaching Springfield, the assassination of Trotsky--
Homer - Surprised They assassinated Trotsky?!
Lenny - Surprised There were dinosaurs?!
Milhouse I'm gonna go do an internet search for "rock-hard male bodies."
Carl Just make sure safe search is on with that one.
Task: "Make Milhouse Research Fitness on the Internet". The job takes place at the Van Houten House and takes 6 hours.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 2[edit]

After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Homer - Thoughtful I think we were really close to helping Morton.
Carl Totally! You should have kept saying science words.
Homer - Sad I kind of ran out.
Comic Book Guy Hello, did I hear my name?
Homer - Annoyed Yeah, like a million lines ago. It's nothing, it was a joke.
Homer - Happy Hey, here's Milhouse now. How did the web surfing go?
Milhouse Pretty good. The internet is a weird place, but it sure has products to buy. Can I borrow your credit card, Mr. Simpson?
Homer I don't see why not. Knock yourself out.
Milhouse - Sad This card says "Todd Flanders."
Homer - Annoyed Well I'm not gonna give you my "Ned Flanders" card! You're just not ready for that flexible spending limit.
Task: "Make Milhouse Order Unnecessary Fitness Gadgets". The job takes place at the Van Houten House and takes 4 hours.
Milhouse Alright! My stuff is here already. Physical fitness, here I come!
Message You'll find the Fit™ Milhouse outfit in your inventory!
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 3[edit]

After tapping on Fit™ Milhouse's exclamation mark
Milhouse This outfit is great! It's like I got a little fitter just putting it on!
Milhouse Now for the most important part of getting in shape... choosing a sports drink.
Sea Captain YARR! How about a salty treat from the deep to quench that thirst? Allow me to introduce...
Sea Captain - Aghast Captain McCallister's very own Obesotade!
Milhouse Who's Captain McAllister?
Sea Captain That's me. Sea Captain, Captain McAllister. Same thing. Same guy.
Milhouse I've never heard anyone call you Captain McAllister.
Sea Captain YAR. You're making this into something it's not. My last name is McAllister -- Captain McAllister, who is a sea captain.
Sea Captain I sell a product. It's effective. You should buy some.
Milhouse Okay, tell me more, Mister McAllister.
Sea Captain Not Mister, Captain. Mine is the only brine-based sports drink scientifically guaranteed to make you lose weight by peeing out more water than you take in.
Milhouse Even as a naïve ten-year-old, I question that as a fitness strategy.
Sea Captain And how many whales have you killed?
Milhouse Two.
Sea Captain - Aghast Shiver me timbers, that's two more than me.
Sea Captain Listen my lad, the only question you need to ask yourself is which color you'd prefer. Will it be goat-urine yellow or rigor-mortis blue?
Milhouse If you promise to go away afterwards, I'll take a gallon of both. And here's my credit card.
Sea Captain Ah yes, Todd Flanders. I sold a barrel of grog to your father Ned just yesterday.
Sea Captain He's fatter and balder than I remember, but aren't we all.
Task: "Make Fit ™ Milhouse Guzzle Sports Drinks". The job takes 12 hours.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 4[edit]

After tapping on Fit™ Milhouse's exclamation mark
Milhouse Now that I've bought a bunch of stuff on the internet, guzzled copious amounts of sugary sea water...
Milhouse - Sad ...and been to the hospital for acute kidney failure, I guess I'd better get exercising.
Task: "Make Fit ™ Milhouse 'Work It'". The job takes 24 hours.
Milhouse Feel the burn Milhouse! Feel the burn!!
Message Milhouse is getting in shape. Just like tapping through all the dialog in this update got your finger in shape.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Pt. 5[edit]

After completing Pt. 4
Message Can Milhouse actually pull this 'fitness' thing off? Find out on this Sunday's episode of The Simpsons, 8/7c on FOX!
Lugash Lugash see chubby American boy making silly moves in outdated exercising clothes!
Milhouse - Sad Look who's talking! You smoke, you drink a bottle of vodka a day...
Milhouse - Sad've never seen a vegetable, and your heart is mostly transplanted pig valves.
Lugash How you know these things?
Milhouse - Sad They're written on your brochure and you have them tattooed on your back.
Lugash - Sad That was crazy night. Never drink and redo brochure.
Lugash When you are ready to stop silly girl moves and become best, come to gym.
Milhouse *Gasp* You mean you're offering to be my own personal trainer?
Lugash Yes, but for a price. Lugash is premium!
Message Is Milhouse tough enough to handle Lugash's training regime? Complete Lugash's "The Cranky Man Can" storyline to find out!