The entirety of the opening sequence is played during the episode instead of the start.
Opening sequence[edit]
The title of the episode comes out of the clouds that become cloudy with a heavy metal version of the theme song playing. Bart then exits from Herman's Military Antiques and exchanges the Inanimate carbon rod with the brain on Homer's back, making Mr. Burns and Smithers faint, places the brain on Maggie's head at the Kwik-E-Mart, scaring Lisa's music lesson, making her and the others fall over the chairs, Homer then finds the brain and gets scared, going off road, making Otto fly away with the bench, and then Bart grabs the brain, scaring the Springfielders on the sidewalk, and scaring the family off at home with the brain on the couch.
Title screen gag[edit]
 The title of the episode comes out of the clouds which become stormy.
Couch gag[edit]
"Bart's Brain" couch gag
Couch Gag Information
The family gets scared away from the couch by the brain and Bart appears behind the couch laughing