Bar Flyers
Bar Flyers
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Sports Team Information
The Bar Flyers are a ten-and-under ice hockey team, coached by Moe Szyslak.
When Moe's rival, King Toot, showed off the trophy his team, the Li'l Tooters, had won, Moe decided to put together his own hockey team to beat Toot. The only good player on the team was Bart, and the strategy of the team was to get the puck to Bart so he could score. In their first match against the Li'l Tooters, Bart was beaten up and the team lost. After this, Moe got Nelson onto the team to be the goon who protects Bart.
The Bar Flyers then played against the Ice Lubbers, where they scored more goals than them, but were disqualified as Nelson had cafeteria trays on his feet instead of ice skates. After this, Moe took Nelson to Top Goon Academy to improve his goon skills. The Bar Flyers then played against the The Holy Moleys, where they won. At the celebration meal, Nelson got annoyed at the way Bart was treating Moe and broke Bart's arm, causing Bart to be unable to play anymore.