A Day in the Life...with Yeardley Smith
A Day in the Life...with Yeardley Smith
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Special Information
A Day in the Life...with Yeardley Smith is a series of clip with Yeardley Smith. The first part was published on Youtube at March 18, 2013, the second on March 19, 2013. The third clip wich including part three and four was released on March 20, 2013.
Part 1
Yeardley Smith driving her car to the studio but she has forgotten her ID. Yeardley trying to explain for the guard that she works with The Simpsons, but the guard does not believe her. Yeardley then talk as Lisa but the guard will not let her in. Yeardley then shows Lisa's student card as she had in the car and she guard let her in.
Part 2
Yeardley Smith visit the writer for pitch some ideas. She meets Al Jean that is happy at she came. Yeardley's first idea at she chains her self to a tree so they not cutting it down. The writer tell her then at they have already done that. Yeardley's next idea at she starting playing online poker, but the writer tell her then at the episode aired last week. Yeardley's third idea at Lisa becomes a police and her partner has a totally personality opposite her. The writer tell then Yeardley at that is in every cop movie and they trying to do episodes with cliche. Yeardley's last idea is a Russian boy teaching Lisa playing piano if Marge learn his dad to drive. The writer likes that idea, but replacing Lisa with Bart. The writer thanks her and Yeardley leaves then the writer room.
Part 3 & 4
Yeardley shows the Marge Simpson ADR Stage, in secret but when they found out at she was their they turned of the lights. Yeardley showing then her shoe company, Marchez Vous. Yeardley telling at she is their when she not working with The Simpsons and showing her office and talking with her staff that talks about Yeardley. Yeardley tell then why she starting design shoes and what she does. Yeardley thanks the viewers.