Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious
"Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious"
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Episode Information
When Marge starts loosing her hair due to stress, the family hires a nanny to help out at the house. Homer attacks all the applicants since he thinks they're all men in drag, like in Mrs. Doubtfire. A nanny, named Sherri Bobbins, flies out of the sky and lands at their house and applies for the job. She helps the children with chores and sings songs to them. Once the family becomes behaved, she is about to leave when she notices the house is a mess again and that they're worse than before. After a while, she discovers how lazy and useless they are and gets upset. The family explains, in song, that she can't change them and they're happy just the way they are. As she flies off, Lisa wonders if they'll ever see her again. Homer reassures her, saying they will, not knowing the Sherri has just been sucked in the jet engine and shredded into pieces.
- Krusty: "And now for our parody of Mad About You called, "Mad About Shoe". {goes to a bed with a giant shoe in it} Hey baby, let's kiss, no toung. {audience boos} Ugh, You're not going to like our N.Y.P.D Shoe sketch...it's pretty much the same thing."
- TV Announcer: "And now let's take a look at a young Charels Bronson in his short lived stint replacing Andy Griffith on "The Andy Griffith Show"."
- Don Knots: "Where's Otis? He not in his celler."
- Charles: "I shot him."
- Don: "Well that's just...you what?!"
- Charles: "Now I'm going down to Emmit's Fix-It-Shop...to fix Emmit"