Marge's Son Poisoning
"Marge's Son Poisoning"
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Episode Information
"Marge's Son Poisoning" is an episode in Season 17 of The Simpsons.
Marge buys a bicycle built for two. However, Homer and Bart ignore her. Eventually, Bart feels sorry for Marge and they begin using the bike together, until bullies accuse Bart of becoming a mama's boy. Bart begins to ignore Marge, but when he sees how sad she is, he becomes over-eager to please. After seeing Skinner's relationship with his mother, Marge encourages Bart to make his own way in life, not wanting him to turn out like that.
Meanwhile, Homer's right arm gets much stronger with constant dumbbell lifting. Moe takes advantage of Homer's newfound right-armed strength through hustling and enters him in a series of hillbilly arm wrestling tournaments.
- During the talent show, Apu is singing Paula Cole's "Where Have All the Cowboys Gone".
Cultural References
- The store Marge and Bart go to is called "The China Syndrome". A "china syndrome" is a catastrophic nuclear accident and a 1979 movie of the same name.
- The Tea Shop Marge and Bart go to, named "The Leaf Garrett Tea Shop" is a reference to Leif Garrett, a teen idol, actor and singer popular in the 1970s.
- In the "attack of the couches" couch gag, Professor Frink's couch loosely resembles a war machine from The War of the Worlds].
- At the tree house Margie shows a comic of Radioactive Man "side-by-side with Pelé", a famous brazilian soccer player.
- Homer (counting lifts): 16, 98, 54, banana...
- Bart: Sorry, Mom, I can't. I'm playing a video game. (we then see that Bart's game is "A Tandem Bike Ride With Your Mom") Big hill! Pedal faster! Now enjoy scenery! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!
- Marge: Bart, you’re a wild heck-raiser, and I don’t want to see you turn in to THAT. (Pointing at Seymour)
Seymour: What? A wall? - (outside the Simpsons' house, Jimbo, Kearney, and Dolph are singing "My Sharona"; music from The Knack. Homer throws his arm wrestling trophy through the window. They stop singing)
Homer: That song is a pop music footnote! (beat) I didn't say "stop"!
(the bullies continue singing. End episode and roll credits) - Chalmers: Next up on the Springfield Elementary Karaoke Showcase is.. SKINNERRRRR! and Mrs. SKINNERRRR!
- Homer: Marge, you are worth more to me than all the pie-eating contests in the world.
Marge: I thought it was arm-wrestling.
Homer: I stopped by at a pie-eating contest on the way home. - (Homer gets into a bumper car and drives away)
Sarcastic Guy (to Marge): Don't worry. He's not connected to the power supply, so he can't go far. Heh, heh, heh. Gulp.
(Homer's car gets connected to a power cable and wreaks havoc on the street before trapping Wiggum in his squad car)
Wiggum: Oooh, he's got us in the corner. I hate this ride! - Marge: (reading note at tea shop) Fellow guests, our tea shop has been shut down because the Health Association found rat droppings in our cakes. It's not that we're bad people, we just weren't paying enough attention.
Bart: What's it say?
Marge: Um... she died.
Broadcasting Information
- 1st Airdate: Sunday, November 13, 2005
- 2nd Airdate: Sunday, December 25, 2005
- 3rd Airdate: Sunday, February 19, 2006
- 1st Airdate: Sunday, January 1, 2006
- 2nd Airdate: Friday, January 6, 2006 (Encore Screening)
- 3rd Airdate: Saturday, April 22, 2006
- 4th Airdate: Saturday, June 17, 2006
- 5th Airdate: Sunday, August 6, 2006
- 6th Airdate: Thursday, August 24, 2006
- 1st Airdate: Tuesday, March 7, 2006
- 1st Airdate: Sunday, August 13, 2006