School Days, Hell Daze
Tapped Out Quest Information
School Days, Hell Daze is an event-exclusive questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Treehouse of Horror XXXI content update.
Pt. 1
After completing The Devil is in the Details
Bart, as your substitute teacher, we need to talk.
I didn't do it!
I know you didn't.
Sorry, that's my knee-jerk response.
Springfield Elementary has merged with the Bad Place. So…you're headed to our new sister school.
I don't do well with sisters.
You don't have to worry about your sister. The redistricting line actually cuts right through the middle of your house. Lisa's not going.
But Bart Simpson…you're going straight to Heck!
Task: "Collect Magic Runes" (x175). Task: "Make Bart Hell Portal to Hellementary School". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary, Springfield High School, Hellscape, the Town Hall, or a Brown House and takes 2 hours.
Miss Hoover! Half of the class is being portaled to Hell!
Don't think of it as "portaled to Hell", think of it as "escaping the misery in Springfield" — lucky brats.
At least we're getting some new kids in return!
Yes, but that new girl seems a little strange.
What's strange about twisting her head 360 degrees and vomiting hot embers?
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Hellport Pentagram
Pt. 2
After completing Pt. 1
Class, I'd like to introduce our new transfer student: Beelzebart Simpson.
Whaddup, down-under dorks?
He's from the mortal realm of Springfield.
Now Spike, you were explaining how you would torment innocent children?
Yes. You toss the bees nest right where the kid's playing. The bees get angry and they start stinging the kid.
That's it? The bees sting him?
Yeah! Stinging hurts. Nobody likes hurt.
Boring! The best torments combine physical AND mental "hurt"!
I s'pose you got a better idea?
Task: "Collect Magic Runes" (x125). Task: "Make Bart Explain Twisted Torments". The job takes place at Hellementary School, Hellscape, Hellport Pentagram, or a Brown House and takes 2 hours.
…so that way when the bee stings him, his pants fall down in front of the girls' locker room, and they all laugh!
Class, Beelzebart's prank is only theoretical…
Nuh-uh. I've done it.
I think we may have a new star pupil in our midst!
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Hellementary School or 1
Pt. 3
After completing Pt. 2
Why does the new girl get a nap time and we don't?
And why does her nap include floating four feet off the ground while spewing ash and cinders?!
Nap or not, it's time she turns in her homework assignment!
Don't wake her up! She's gonna blow!
Task: "Collect Magic Runes" (x125). Task: "Make Kids Look Up Exorcism Videos". The jobs take place at 5 and take Springfield Elementary, Springfield Library, Springfield High School, or a Brown House. If Miss Hoover is owned: Task: "Make Miss Hoover Grade Vomit-Encrusted Homework". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary, Moe's Tavern, Springfield Library, or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
This is worse than being beaten up for my lunch money!
A floor covered in green vomit does make one yearn for the good old days.
I'm not sure how, but this has Bart Simpson written all over it.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Cursed Desk
Pt. 4
After completing Pt. 3
So then I said, "That's not the only place you can stick a pitchfork!" The teacher gave me an A+!
Way to go, boy!
Mmmm…I like this strange new sensation of being proud of my son!
Mom, this isn't fair! Bart gets to go to fun school, while I have to sit next to a floating vomit queen from Hell — literally from Hell!
"Literally" in the sense that it's 100% accurate. Not how dad uses "literally".
I literally don't know what you mean.
Task: "Collect Magic Runes" (x125). Task: "Make Bart Brag About His Success Some More". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Lisa Find a Way Into Hell". The job takes place at the Cursed Desk and takes 60 minutes.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Hell's Kitchen
Pt. 5
After completing Pt. 4
Hey, you're that smart, goody two-shoes from Springfield. We don't need your kind here!
This is Hell? Doesn't seem so scary.
I try very hard to make it horrific and you insult me.
I'm surprised you'd want to be stuck here in Hell forever. Just like your brother.
Wait, does Bart know he's going to be stuck here forever?
You mortals really need to learn to read the fine print.
I should boil the both of you, but I'm a deal-making fool! Let's do some business…
Task: "Collect Magic Runes" (x125). Task: "Make Lisa Make a Deal With Old Scratch". The job takes place at Hellementary School, Hellport Pentagram, Hellscape, or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes. If Old Scratch is owned: Task: "Make Old Scratch Make a Deal With Lisa". The job takes place at Hellementary School, Hellport Pentagram, Hellscape, or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes.
So in order to save Bart's soul I have to fail out of Hellementary School?
Yes, miserable failure is prized here.
Pass even one class and you and your brother will both be stuck here forever.
That fights every fiber in my body but I love a challenge! Time to fail away!
Quest reward: 200 and 20 Beelzebart