680 "The Incredible Lightness of Being a Baby"
Title screen gag
 Squawky flies toward the screen, holding a suitcase with "Canada or Bust" written on it.
Billboard gag
Chalkboard gag
 "School Online", written on the school blackboard
Couch gag
"The Extremesons" couch gag
Couch Gag Information
The Simpson family is playing on a virtual reality simulator. Homer skydives into donuts over Springfield, lands on Ned's plane, open the cockpit and throws him out, taking control of the plane, drinking Duff. He passes over the Power Plant. Meanwhile, Bart launches himself from another plane on snowy mountains, writing I must not write on mountain on them. Marge is surfing on the waves and Maggie is driving around the city on a tricycle. Lisa is subdiving seeing a whale, but then Homer crashes his plane on the city, and is seen destroying the virtual reality visor at home and changing the TV channel, while the rest of the family keeps playing.