Star Wars
Star Wars is a science fiction franchise originally developed from the film Star Wars (1977) by George Lucas.
Mr. Burns is sometimes introduced in certain episodes while the "Imperial March" music associated with villain Darth Vader plays in the background.
In Old Money Darth Vader is one of the persons waiting in line to ask Abraham Simpson for money.
In I Married Marge Homer and Marge leave a film theater in 1980 to talk about The Empire Strikes Back which they have just seen. Homer notes: "Who would have known that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father?", angrying the crowd behind him, still waiting in line to see the film.
In Lisa's Rival Ralph Wiggum wins a diorama contest simply because he put some Star Wars action figures in a box. Principal Skinner turns out to be a big Star Wars fan ("Chewie is my favourite") and calls him the winner.
Chewbacca is one of the aliens in the police line-up in The Springfield Files.
In Round Springfield Darth Vader is one of the characters appearing in the sky to talk to Lisa. (The other two are Mufasa from The Lion King and Steve Allen saying: "This is CNN". The voice of Darth Vader, Mufasa and the voiceover of "This is CNN" were originally all done by actor James Earl Jones, which is part of the joke.
Mark Hamill (who plays Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars series) was special guest voice in the episode Mayored to the Mob. In the episode he is forced to continue playing his famous role and sing a song called "Luke, be a Jedi Tonight" in a parody of "Luck be a lady tonight" by Frank Sinatra. While Homer is fighting Luke advises him to "use the forks" in a parody of "use the force" from the Star Wars films.