Calling to Accountant
Tapped Out Quest Information
Calling to Accountant is a questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Charity Case content update. It requires the Cowboy Accountant to be obtained.
After tapping on Cowboy Accountant's exclamation mark
Well, it finally happened, Krusty.
We're off the air? Say it ain't so. I don't have any money!
You are a multimillion-dollar entertainer. How is that possible?
Fabergé egg omelets.
The good news is you aren't off the air.
This calls for an omelet!
The bad news is you are being audited.
Don't worry. I got you the greatest accountant in town.
Howdy and happy trails! Paper trails that is! And yours is longer than the Oregon trail!
If Krusty is owned: Task: "Make Krusty Stress Eat Fabergé Eggs". The job takes place at Krustylu Studios, Krusty's Mansion, Krusty Burger, or a Visitable Home and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Cowboy Accountant Catch Krusty Up to Speed". The job takes place at Krustylu Studios, Krusty's Mansion, Krusty Burger, or a Visitable Home and takes 4 hours.
Ooh boy. Your books are cooked longer than a Texas brisket.
You've got to help me. Rich people don't do well in jail.
This is America, Krusty. Rich people don't go to jail. Unless the public has turned on you for some reason.
I once endorsed a pacemaker that was just a metronome. It was for kids!
Taming you is going to be my greatest achievement. Don't you worry your little green and white head, this ain't my first rodeo. It's my seventeenth actually.
Is that a lot or a little?
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Cowboy Accountant's exclamation mark
For these business expenses, I need your receipts.
Receipts? You'll have to talk to my old accountant.
*angry monkey noises*
He used your receipts to roll cigars? That ain't good.
You told me you were a CPA!
*angry monkey noises*
A-P-E? Oh, I've got to stop drinking and hiring.
Task: "Make Cowboy Accountant Crunch Some Numbers". The job takes 4 hours. If Krusty is owned: Task: "Make Krusty Drink and Hire". The job takes place at Krustylu Studios, Krusty's Mansion, Krusty Burger, or a Visitable Home and takes 4 hours.
After tapping on Cowboy Accountant's exclamation mark
Good news, Krusty. I've managed to balance your books!
That's great. Drinks on me!
And much like balancing on a bucking bronco, eventually you're gonna get gutted. You owe the government a lot of money.
I knew it. Drinks are on you!
Easy now. Before you drown your sorrows, why not drown your bank accounts in some off-shore holdings? International waters make all your tax problems wash away.
Does that actually work?
Tax evasion is as American as apple pie. Now, just sign here and you're free to go! Yee-haw!
Task: "Make Cowboy Accountant Use His Notary Seal". The job takes 4 hours. If Krusty is owned: Task: "Make Krusty Sign the Document". The job takes place at Krustylu Studios, Krusty's Mansion, Krusty Burger, or a Visitable Home and takes 4 hours.
I feel like I just dodged a bullet.
Yeah, sorry about that.
How can I ever repay you?
I just do this out of the kindness of my heart.
No. I'm a red-blooded American. I charged you triple my usual fee. And unlike the American government, I make sure the one percent gives me my ten percent.
Quest reward: 200 and 20