Putting the Pun in Punishment
Tapped Out Quest Information
Putting the Pun in Punishment is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Treehouse of Horror XXXI content update. It requires Lisafer to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Lisafer's exclamation mark
Lisafer! I know you're trying to win our bet by failing your classes here in Hell, but you'll fail nothing stuck in detention.
And to further your torment you'll listen to the worst music in heaven or hell — jazz!
Terrific! I love all forms of jazz!
Damn it!
Forget jazz. Here's an excruciating assignment for you — write five hundred thousand words on Proto-Feminist Transcendentalist Literature!
That's great too! I can give you two hundred thousand words on Margaret Fuller alone!
Curses! This may be more challenging than I thought.
Task: "Make Lisafer Take Everything Old Scratch Can Dish Out". The job takes place at Hellementary School, Hellscape, or a Brown House and takes 2 hours. If Old Scratch is owned: Task: "Make Old Scratch Get Exasperated With Lisafer". The job takes place at Hellementary School, Hellscape, or a Brown House and takes 2 hours.
You're a tough nut to crack.
Thank you!
I hate nuts!
Even cashews? Boy, you are a gloomy Gus.
Say, what's with that wardrobe over there?
It was a soul swap from the writer of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. It was the only one of the three I didn't have to feed.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Lisafer's exclamation mark
Lisa! What are you doing here? Bart said you were stuck in Hell Detention!
I was, but I escaped through a piece of magic furniture. Now I need to find a way to get out of my deal with Old Scratch!
There's nothing a lawyer can't fix...
Or ruin.
If Marge is owned: Task: "Make Marge Call the Blue-Haired Lawyer". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 60 minutes. Task: "Make Lisafer Consult With the Blue-Haired Lawyer". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 60 minutes. If Blue-Haired Lawyer is owned: Task: "Make the Blue-Haired Lawyer Prepare His Bill". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 60 minutes.
I'm afraid your daughter is in a jam. Old Scratch's contracts are notoriously convoluted and difficult to fight in court.
My advice would be to appeal to a higher power.
So there's nothing we can do legally?
You can pay my legal bill.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Lisa's exclamation mark
Reverend Lovejoy, I need your help!
Little Lisa Simpson in Hell...
I'm only there because I found out Old Scratch is going to keep Bart in Hell, so I made a deal—
Are you even listening?
Sorry, I was thinking about my model trains. It's how I get through those long, boring sermons too. Chugga-chugga-choo-choo!
Task: "Make Lisafer Ask Reverend for Theological Advice". The job takes place at the First Church of Springfield, Lovejoy Residence, or a Brown House and takes 3 hours. If Rev. Lovejoy is owned: Task: "Make Reverend Lovejoy Think About Model Trains". The job takes place at the First Church of Springfield, Lovejoy Residence, or a Brown House and takes 3 hours.
Lisafer, I'm not much of a brim and firestone preacher. I only know ways to stay OUT of Hell — mostly riffing on that Ten Commandments thing...
And you're already in Hell so I don't have a lot of advice on getting out.
You should try bingeing the early seasons of "Prison Break" for ideas.
Thanks for nothing.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Lisafer's exclamation mark
Hey Lisa. I like the wings.
They're fake.
Why do women feel they have to fake everything? Especially around me?
I was trying to hide from Old Scratch. I'm going to get called back to Hell. And then Bart and I will be trapped there forever.
I need someone who can help me find a way to get out of my deal with Old Scratch. But so far everyone is clueless!
Someone who's not from the establishment, someone who doesn't fit the mold.
How 'bout someone who doesn't fit his pants?
You have someone in mind?
Let's go see Comic Book Guy!
If Milhouse is owned: Task: "Make Milhouse Take Lisafer to the Android's Dungeon". The job takes place at the Android's Dungeon or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Lisafer Go to the Android's Dungeon". The job takes place at the Android's Dungeon or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. If Comic Book Guy is owned: Task: "Make Comic Book Guy Look Up Comic Book Demonology". The job takes place at the Android's Dungeon or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Please tell me there's hope for me and Bart.
Well, in the comics, the heroes always get out of their deals through some convoluted, plot-convenient loophole...
I don't have any loopholes up my sleeves. I don't even have sleeves.
I've found there is one thing that all villains hate — plucky heroes who defiantly quip in the face of their menacing evil!
Well that's better than noth— AAAAAAAH!
Oh no! Lisa's been sucked back to Hell!
Without buying anything!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Lisafer's exclamation mark
Sneaking off like that... I'll be keeping an eye on you from now on, Lisafer.
I escaped Hell Detention before, and I'll do it again!
You won't escape without a plan.
I'll just WING it!
Because you have wings... Yeah, I get it.
But for now, I'll just HOOF it back to my desk.
Yes, you have hooves too. Your pluck and quips are so annoying!
Then I've succeeded because down here it's good to be annoying.
Task: "Make Lisafer Annoy Old Scratch With Pluck and Quips". The job takes place at Hellementary School, Hellscape, or a Brown House and takes 5 hours. If Old Scratch is owned: Task: "Make Old Scratch Get Exasperated by Pluck and Quips". The job takes place at Hellementary School, Hellscape, or a Brown House and takes 5 hours.
Enough! No more detention. Just go back to class. I can't listen to this anymore! You're making my hair fall out!
I hope you don't lose all your hair, or there will be Hell toupée. Tee-hee-hee!
That's your last quip! Get out!
Quest reward: 200 and 20