Tapped Out Quest Information
FB-Why is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Pride 2018 Promotion part of the Itchy & Scratchy Land content update. It requires J. Edgar Hoover to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on J. Edgar Hoover's exclamation mark
J. Edgar Hoover?! The greatest cop who ever lived?!
Springfield? How did I get here?
Well, you see, there's the space-time continuum dealie, and some kind of big machine...
We used to explain it every time somebody new showed up, but now it's kinda like, "Here you are, deal with it."
Is this still the safest town in America, like it was when my G-men kept the Mafia in check?
Task: "Make J. Edgar Hoover Learn of Springfield's Fall From Grace". The job takes place at the Police Station or Brown House and takes 4 hours.
To clean this town up, we'll have to work day and night, with total professionalism.
Let's call that "Option A". I'm wondering if there's a "B"?
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on J. Edgar Hoover's exclamation mark
First things first -- show me your dossier on every major criminal in town.
"Dossier". It means a record with all pertinent information on a suspect.
Oh, you want to see the napkins! Yeah, we usually take notes on the back of napkins.
That way, if I'm eating at my desk, and I make a spill, I've got a "dossier" handy to clean up the mess!
"Crime fighting has come a long way since your day" is, I bet, what you're thinking.
Task: "Make J. Edgar Hoover Collect Dossiers on Everyone". The job takes 4 hours.
The dossiers are ready. We've got those criminals on the ropes now, boy.
Hey, could you hand me a dossier? I need to blow my nose into it.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on J. Edgar Hoover's exclamation mark
Marion Anthony "Fat Tony" D'Amico. All crime in this town goes through him.
Fat Tony, a criminal? Nah, you got him all wrong. He's a kitty cat.
Real generous guy, too. Gives me an envelope every month stuffed with cash. I don't even have to ask!
Set up a meet. I like my enemies to know who hunts them.
Ooh, can I use that line? I mean, it's not at all true for me, but I'd love to say it one time.
Task: "Make J. Edgar Hoover Go to Criminal Meeting". The job takes place at a Krusty Burger and takes 4 hours. If Fat Tony is owned: Task: "Make Fat Tony Go to Criminal Meeting". The job takes place at a Krusty Burger and takes 4 hours.
Ah, so this is the infamous copper who took down so many of my historical compatriots.
You'll soon be history yourself, Mr. Tony.
Not if me and my men have anything to say about that. Ain't that right, Johnny Tightlips?
You know, this is one time it would be okay for you to talk.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on J. Edgar Hoover's exclamation mark
I built the FBI into the most effective crime-fighting force the world has ever known.
And I did it with the barrel of a gun. My beloved "Chicago Typewriter".
Because that's the modern way to fight crime: with a never-ending hail of indiscriminant gunfire.
Time to be a hero.
Task: "Make J. Edgar Hoover Hunt the Mob". The job takes 60 minutes.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on J. Edgar Hoover's exclamation mark
Blam! Blam blam blam!
I'm taking the war to the criminals. In the only language they understand.
Yeah, that's not really how we do things anymore.
The mob isn't even that big a deal these days! Relax!
Fat Tony's crew is really just harmless local color at this point. Kind of charming, if you think about it.
So, uh... how DO you fight crime now?
With a far deadlier weapon... paperwork.
Task: "Make J. Edgar Hoover Collect Dossiers on Everyone". The job takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 200 and 20