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"Skinner's Sense of Snow" is the eighth episode of season 12. It originally aired on December 17, 2000. The episode was written by Tim Long and directed by Lance Kramer.
When a large storm snows in Springfield Elementary, the children are trapped inside for the holidays and soon rebel against Principal Skinner - while Homer tries to rescue them, using Flanders' car.
At home, Homer is watching a sports talk show. The family then comes into the room and tells him that they're going to Cirque de Purée, much to Homer's annoyance. During the performance, the wind starts to pick up, getting stronger. The show is then cancelled when the circus tent is blown away by the wind, with everyone evacuating. Overnight, a heavy snow storm happens, leaving Springfield covered in snow. The next morning, the kids eagerly listen to the radio in the hopes that school will be closed. However, they find that it's open and have to go in.
On the bus to school, the kids see everyone else in town enjoying a snow day. When they get to school, they find that no teachers are in, the union having called an "emergency caucus" (when in fact, they were out having fun). Principal Skinner then puts on the film The Christmas That Almost Wasn't But Then Was, which all the children hate. The film then breaks just as the school day ends. However, the children can't leave the school due to being snowed in...
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