The Complete Fifth Season
"The Complete Fifth Season" was released on December 21, 2004 in North America. It was released in the UK and Ireland on March 21, 2005 and March 23, 2005 in Australia. It contains all 22 episodes from season five, and has the memorable extra-long circus couch gag as its main packaging theme. The spine features Bart and Principal Skinner on the outer casing, and Lisa and Groundskeeper Willie on the inner casing.
The main menu format features a picture at the top half of the page based on an episode it contains, with various things happening in it relating to the other episodes. The bottom half of the page contains each episode with a "play" button next to it, and a "plus" button that goes to the episode's menu. Each episode's menu is exactly the same way. It is sometimes packaged with a "Includes the 100th Episode!" sticker.
Disc Features
Disc 1
- "Homer's Barbershop Quartet"
- "Cape Feare"
- "Homer Goes to College"
- "Rosebud"
- "Treehouse of Horror IV"
Disc 2
- "Marge on the Lam"
- "Bart's Inner Child"
- "Boy Scoutz 'n the Hood"
- "The Last Temptation of Homer"
- "$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)"
- "Homer the Vigilante"
Disc 3
- "Bart Gets Famous"
- "Homer and Apu"
- "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy"
- "Deep Space Homer"
- "Homer Loves Flanders"
- "Bart Gets an Elephant"
Disc 4
- "Burns' Heir"
- "Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song"
- "The Boy Who Knew Too Much"
- "Lady Bouvier's Lover"
- "Secrets of a Successful Marriage"
- D1 2.gif
Disc 1:Main menu
- D2 1.gif
Disc 2: Main menu
- D3 1.gif
Disc 3: Main menu
- D4 1.gif
Disc 4:Main menu
Bonus features
- Commercials for Butterfinger, Ramada Inn, TGI Fridays and THX.
- Animation Showcases.
- Special Language Feature on "Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song" in four languages: Czech, Italian, Polish, and Hungarian.
- A Look Back with James L. Brooks.
- Deleted Scenes.
- Commentary on all Episodes.
Easter eggs
- You can highlight certain objects on each of the main menus to see some extra animation.
- On Disc 4, on the "Art and Animations" menu, you can highlight the 100 episode banner to hear a secret commentary on the animatic. (Can also be accessed by using the 'Audio' button on the animatic.)
- The menu system for this boxset would be used for the following boxsets.