Opening credits
First Version
The Intro starts zooming into the town, then zooms into Bart, who is wrinting lines on a chalk board (Changes Everytime). Then the bell rings and runs out. Then shows Homer in the nuclear plant, where a peice of Nuclear waste falls into his suit. Then it shows Marge at the Store. Maggie is on the cavaire belt, and then gets scanned. The Cashier puts Maggie into the cart. Marge leaves without paying. Then, Lisa's at band practice. She gets carried away and walks away. After it shows Homer driving, he finds the peice Nuclear bar and throws it out the window, where Bart scatboards by. He skateboards past people at a bus stop, and steals the sign. The bus drives by, and the people run after it, Then Marge drives by with the car. Then it shows Lisa, who drives down the sidewalk, then into the drive way. Then Homer drives into the driveway. Before he gets out, Bart with his skateboard jumps onto the car. Then Marge comes into the drivway, and Homer has to dodge Marge. Then happens the Couch Gag.
Second Verson
The School is turned brown. Behind Homer, the people in the booth is changed from a Worker to Burns and Smithers. The sence with Marge and Maggie doesn't change. Now, Lisa plays a different song each Season. Bart stealing the sign is change into Bart riding around Helen Lovejoy,Apu,Moe,Barney,Bleeding Gums Murphy and Chief Wiggum. Lisa's bike sence is cut, instead, it shows a zoom shot of the towns people. The rest is the same.
3rd Verson
Everything is cut except Bart chalkboarding and the Couch Gag
4th Verson
The same as the 3rd, execept that the Chalkboarding is cut.
5th Verson
The scenes after Lisa are cut. (Except for the Couch gag)
Treehouse of Horrors
The camera zooms through a Graveyard. Then at the end, a couch gag.
New Version
The intro closely resembles the first version, only differences are that it now scans past the Statue with the statue head falling on Ralph, then it pans to the school showing the Billboard Gag (Changes everytime). Then it enters Bart's classroom where he is writing the chalkboard gag, the bell rings and he comes out the front doors of the school where Barney is covered with leaves. Then it pans over to Homer in the Nuclear Power Plant with little difference apart from the fact that Lenny is putting up a sign saying 3 days without accident, but fall when the whistle is heard. The camera then goes to Lisa playing the saxophone and gets sent out, but pops her head back in to finish her song. After that the camera moves to Marge at the grocery store where there is little difference other than Maggie shaking her fist at Baby Gerald. Then nothing changes after this.