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The Angel Skeleton (aka the Springfield Angel) was a supposed skeleton of an angel that was excavated by Lisa at Sabertooth Meadow, the soon-to-be site of a new mega mall.
When Lisa noticed a new mall was being built on Sabertooth Meadow, a site where fossils had previously been dug up, she got Lionel Hutz as her lawyer and went to the construction site. Here, Sid, and his PR man, ensured Lisa that all the fossils had already been dug up. However, they decided to let Lisa dig for fossils as it could be good for publicity. Lisa then went to Principal Skinner and called in a favor she had to have him allow the students to dig at Sabertooth Meadow. After a while of not finding anything, Lisa noticed a skull in the dirt. She uncovered it and then found that it seemed to have wings attached to it.
Everyone at the dig site was shocked to see an angel skeleton, although Lisa wasn't convinced and tried to explain it away, suggesting that a neanderthal may have been bitten by two angry fish. As the people of Springfield discussed who should keep the skeleton, Homer strapped it to his car and drove off home with it. At home, several people visited, wanting to see the angel fossil. This eventually led to Homer getting the idea to charge people to see the angel...
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