Fear of Flying
"Fear of Flying"
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Episode Information
Lenny, Carl and Barny pull life threatening pranks of Moe, who laugh's them off. When Homer however pulls a harmless and quite lame prank on Moe, he gets booed for it and gets banned from the bar. When he gets rejected from all the other bars, he finds the last bar in Springfield, "The Little Black Box", however you need to be a pilot to drink there. When he pretends to be one, he is taken on a plane to fly it. He accidentally damages it, not knowing how to operate it. He then gets a free plane trip to anywhere if he keeps this secret. On the plane, Marge freaks out since she has a fear of flying. After the traumatic incident, Marge begins possessing bizarre behavior. She goes to a psychiatrist (played by Ann Bancroft) to deal with her problems. Homer apposes to this because he thinks the shrink will tell her to break up with him. Marge recalls that her father was a steward (or to her, a "stewardess") and not a pilot as she was told, which upsets her, until the psychiatrist explains that Mr. Bouvier helped make male flight attendants common. Marge also remembers other things, like her and her mother being attacked by a plane in a cornfield. Cured of her anxiety, she finally gets on a plane with confidence which crashes in the sea just as it takes off, much to her annoyance, mayhaps they shouldn't have lead the plane path right into the oceon.
- Pilot: "You're not just pretending to be a pilot to drink are you?"
- Homer: "Yes."
- Pilot: "Ha-ha. You fly boys crack me up."
- Homer: "I keep telling you, I'm not a pilot!"
- Pilot: "And I keep telling you, you fly boys crack me up!"
- Homer: "Bart, where's my wallet?"
- Bart: "Right here, Dad!"
- Homer: "Thank you!"
- Norm-type: "Woody, gimme a beer."
- Woody-type: "I think you had enough, Mr.Peterson. My chiropractor says I can't carry you home anymore."
- Norm-type: "Just gimme another beer, you brain dead hick! I'll kill ya! I'll kill all of ya!"