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Marge Simpson is the mother of Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson and is currently married to Homer. She is the tall, blue haired head female of the Simpson family.
Marge Simpson takes on the housewife role of the family; cooking, cleaning and looking after the house in general. However, Marge has also had a few jobs, Police woman and erotic baker to name a couple.
Marge's hair is no longer naturally blue. She has had gray hair since she was 17 and has dyed it blue since. She also has a fear of flying due to various bad childhood memories and is very talented at various things, such as painting, baking and cooking and has written a book.
Marge's temper has been seen a lot. She can get very angry if one of her children do something wrong or if Homer does something wrong. When Bart was caught shoplifting, she became so angry and disappointed, she barely talked to him and she has been known to throw Homer out of the house.
Marge's other family are the Bouvier family. She has two twin sisters, Patty and Selma and her mother, Jacqueline Bouvier looks almost exactly like an older, hunched, version of her.
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