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Where Everybody Knows Your Shame
Tapped Out Quest Information
Where Everybody Knows Your Shame is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Treehouse of Horror XXXI content update. It requires Demon Moe to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Demon Moe's exclamation mark
Say, Homer, since you're about to leave Hell, I was wonderin'… could you do me a favor when you head back upstairs.
Oh, no! I have to climb stairs?! This is hell!
Uh, no. I mean when you leave Hell and go back to Springfield.
I was thinkin' youse could invite the mortal Moe down here to get a preview of what he's got in store when he gets down here.
Are you sure this is where Moe's coming? I think he's a pretty good guy.
Hoo boy. You don't know the dark side of Moe.
Task: "Make Demon Moe Ask Homer for a Favor". The job takes place at Hell Moe's or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes. Task: "Make Homer Agree to Do a Favor for Demon Moe". The job takes place at Hell Moe's or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes.
So there are two Moes?
No, I'm just the guy in charge of what he's gonna face when his butt lands here in Hades.
So you're like his guardian angel?
Let's just go with that. I'm the guardian angel with the horns, a tail, and death breath.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Hey, Demon Moe! I brought regular Moe down like you asked.
Why'd you bring Lenny and Carl too?
Homer said he was going to Cool Moe's.
We never met a Cool Moe so we had to come.
I don't get it. What is this place?
This is where you're gonna spend eternity, pal.
Aw, geez. In the afterlife, I was hopin' to get out of the servin'-drinks-to-jerks business.
Task: "Make Demon Moe Explain Moe's Fate". The job takes place at Hell Moe's or a Brown House and takes 3 hours. If Moe is owned: Task: "Make Moe Balk at His Fate". The job takes place at Hell Moe's or a Brown House and takes 3 hours.
Wait, so I'll have a miserable life, die, and spend a miserable eternity in this dump?
Pretty much, yeah. Hope yer into smokey, hot, and sweaty.
What'd I do to deserve this?
The watering down of drinks, the rhino horn business…
Big deal! Everybody does that.
The shotgunning, the cheating at cards…
Selling rotten eggs, clubbing innocent rats…
Okay, everybody, stop already. I get it.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Demon Moe's exclamation mark
So your job is to torment me for eternity after I die?
Like I always say: "Find a job you enjoy doing and you'll never have to work a day in your life". Right, Twainy?
I wish I'd never said a lot of things.
And so you'll have to stay with me forever, in all my gripin', complaining and general miserableness. That's gonna be fun for you?
Yep…wait, no.
I may not have thought this through.
I can see that. *chuckles*
Task: "Make Demon Moe Become Horrifically Depressed". The job takes place at Hell Moe's or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. If Moe is owned: Task: "Make Moe Enjoy Sharing the Pain". The job takes place at Hell Moe's or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Demon Moe's exclamation mark
I concocted this eternal torment for you. It was s'posed to be really great!
It is great. You did a good job.
But all I've done is set myself up to be miserable alongside you forever.
You ain't no Prince Charming yerself, pal.
I don't like to look on the bright side, but it ain't all bad. I do own a bar, and that's pretty sweet.
That's the spirit. And I'll cover for ya on ladies' nights down here.
Good luck with Lizzy Borden and Ma Barker. They are a couple of mean drunks!
Task: "Make Demon Moe Relax and Enjoy Life". The job takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Demon Moe's exclamation mark
Well, I guess I'll head back home. Probably be seeing you soon, though. *sigh*
There's still hope. Go to church, fold yer hands, and pray to the guy upstairs. If that works, you could go to heaven and I get to keep the bar.
Hey, you really think I got a shot at heaven?
I don't wanna lie to you, but I'm gonna…sure you got a shot!
If Moe is owned: Task: "Make Moe Wander Home". The job takes place at Moe's Tavern or a Brown House and takes 2 hours. Task: "Make Demon Moe Propose a Toast for Regular Moe". The job takes place at Hell Moe's or a Brown House and takes 2 hours.
So he just went back home?
Yep. I can't help feelin' bad for the guy.
We should drink a toast to Moe.
That's a real sweet thought.
On the other hand, it seems like a waste of good alcohol. Moe wouldn't want that.
A FREE drink…to Moe!
Get outta my bar, you bum!
*pulls out baseball bat* Sweet thought is over!
Quest reward: 200 and 20
Behind the Laughter
The quest name is a reference to the theme song of Cheers, "Where Everybody Knows Your Name", by Gary Portnoy.