Treehouse of Horror XXII/Credits
Created by
Developed by
James L. "What Isn't Scary?" Brooks
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Co-Executive Producer
Kevin Curran, Senior V.P. Ghost Relations
Co-Executive Producer
Co-Executive Producer
Co-Executive Producer
Co-Executive Producer
Co-Executive Producer
Co-Executive Producer
Co-Executive Producer
Co-Executive Producer
Co-Executive Producer
Supervising Producer
Consulting Producer
Consulting Producer
Consulting Producer
Consulting Producer
Consulting Producer
Supervising Director
Produced by
Produced by
The Liar, The Witch, The Warhorse
Produced by
Produced by
Written By
Directed By
Executive Producer
Al Jean (His name crumbles to green dust)
Executive Producers
James L. "What Isn't Scary?" Brooks
The Cabinet of Dan Caligari-neta
Yard My Vaark (Her name has the word "Censored" printed over it)
Hank "Out of Clever Names" Azaria
Special Guest Voice
Special Guest Voice
Aron "I Gave My Right Arm to be on The Simpsons" Ralstump
Also Starring
Animation Producers
Jaspreet "The Bride of Katrib" Dhillon
Animation Post Producer
Film Roman - General Manager
Post Production Co-Producer
Animation Co-Producer
Associate Producers
Frightleesha Naliboooosky-Capgoblin
Theme by
Music Disposed of by
Original Casting by
X Factor Pietila (the 'X' in her name is a skull and crossed-bones)
Production Coordinator
Post Production Assistant
Michael "October 31st" Mitchell
Dialogue Sound Editors
Master of Musical Manipulation
Sound Effects Editor
Re-Recording Mixers
Production Mixer
Sound Recordist
Music Scoring Mixer
Script Supervisor
Production Accountant
Post Production Audio Facility
Post Production Facility
Presented in
Dolby Surround
Assistants to Mr. Brooks
Assistant to Mr. Groening
Assistant to Mr. Jean
Assistants to the Producers
Animation Produced by
a Starz Company
Overseas Production by
Overseas Animation Director
Assistant Director
Lead Animation Timer
Additional Timers
Retake Director
Storyboard Revisions
Animatic Layout
Animatic Editor
Background Design
Character Design
Prop Design
Lead Character Layout
Character Layout
Lead Background Layout
Background Layout
CG Animator
FX Layout
Color Design Director
Color Design Supervisor
Color Design
Assistant Color Design
Animation Checkers
Digital Retakes
Scene Planner
Lip Sync
Track Reader
Assistant Editors
Animation Production Managers
Animation Production Supervisor
Animation Production Coordinator
Animation Production Design Manager
Animation Production Design Supervisor
Animation Post-Production Supervisor
Animation Production Coordinators
Animation Design Production Coordinators
Animation Digital Production Assistants
Animation Production Assistants
Animation Production Accountant
Animation Production Associates
Executive Director of IT
IT Support
Digital Intermediate Colorist
Level 3 Post, Larry Field
The persons in this film are fictitious.
Any Similarity to actual persons or events is unintentional.
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation is the author of this motion picture for purposes of copyright and other laws.
This motion picture is protected under laws of the United States and the other countries.
Unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.
The Simpsons and the Simpsons characters, ™ Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
Creative Consultant
Executive Creative Consultant
James L. "What Isn't Scary?" Brooks
A News Corporation Company.