Bart Simpson Comic Book Icon
Comic Information
Bart Simpson Comic Book Icon is a comic book about Bart Simpson, that is on sale at The Android's Dungeon & Baseball Card Shop.
When Milhouse got clown make up on his face, he went to The Android's Dungeon & Baseball Card Shop to buy a mask for five dollars so he can hide his face. Comic Book Guy told him that he can choose between a mask of Richard Nixon or Bart Simpson. Milhouse asked why he has a mask of Bart, so Comic Book Guy explained that it came free with every box of Bart Simpson Action Figures. He then asked why Bart has action figures. Comic Book Guy then told him that there was a marketing tie-in with Bart Simpson Comic Book Icon. Milhouse then asked why Bart had a comic book. Comic Book Guy, tired of questions, gave Milhouse the Bart mask and kicked him out.