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Mike Wegman is a former intern at the Power Plant and current owner of Mike's Slices food truck.
Before he started working at the Power Plant, Mike and his friend Nesto cleaned gutters for cash, until Nesto fell off the roof and landed on a doghouse. After this, Mike decided to become an intern at the Power Plant to get closer to his hero, Homer Simpson. He went to the Power Plant and told him he was part Native American, which landed him the job. Then three years passed.
When Homer confronted Mr. Burns after he didn't chip in money for Lenny's birthday, Waylon Smithers accused Homer of taking advantage of Burns, as he was taking medication that had a side effect of making Burns a decent person. Smithers then demoted Homer to looking after the interns at the Power Plant. On his first day of the job, the interns all mocked Homer and Mike Wegman stepped in, yelled at the interns and told Homer that he was his number one fan. Mike told Homer that whenever there was trouble at the Power Plant, Homer was at the heart of it, so he thought of Homer as a hero. Mike then asked Homer to be his mentor.
Homer was happy to take on this responsibility, as Mike actually looked up to him. Homer went out of his way to make a good impression on Mike, getting a new tie and using Marge's perfume. Homer also started to gush about Mike to his family, mentioning that Mike had been blocked by many celebrities on Twitter. At work the next day, Mike brought Homer his coffee, which was no coffee, just donut holes. Homer then showed Mike around Sector 7G, which excited Mike. Seeing how much Mike idolized Homer, Homer decided to invite him to dinner that night...
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