Spuckler children
Tiffany, Heather, Cody, Dylan, Dermot, Jordan, Taylor, Brittany, Wesley, Rumor, Scout, Cassidy, Zoe, Chloe, Max, Hunter, Kendall, Caitlin, Noah, Sascha, Morgan, Kyra, Kevin, Ian, Lauren, Q-bert and Phil Spuckler are 26 of Cletus Spuckler's children. They all appeared briefly in "The Twisted World of Marge Simpson" when Cletus called their names and they walked onto the porch.
Most of the kids have yuppie names or names of kids of famous couples, for example, Rumor and Scout are the children of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis. Others, like Q-bert, are just silly.
Other children were revealed to be named Whitney, Jitney, Crystal Meth, Dubya, Incest, Intrnational Harvester, Birthday, and Mary. In the episode "Apocalypse Cow" when Cletus claims that he names all his children after what he thinks is what is going to happen to them when they're older then says "Isn't that right "Stabbed in Jail"?" Then he replies "I'll show you who stabs who." He then continues carving what appears to be a knife.
In Marge Gamer, Cletus mentions several other children. A dum-dum, a mush-head, a whatsit, a dog-boy, and something with a human face and fish body that they called Kevin.
In Helter Shelter, at the hockey game, they have another child named Gummy Sue. She has several animal teeth.