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Food/Drink Information
Krustaceans are a type of candy released by KrustyCo Inc. They look like shrimp but taste like candy.
Krusty advertised them on The Krusty the Clown Show, claiming that they were organic. Bart, who was a Krusty Prime subscriber, already managed to get some and liked them. Lots of kids started eating them but had side effects like their tongue burning and arms tingling. Lisa decided to investigate what was in them and broke into Krusty Foods with Bart to find how they're made. Inside, they found robots using chemicals to make the candy. They took the chemicals to Professor Frink who found out the chemicals contained Formaldehyde, which is toxic to people.
Lisa took the story to the then unemployed Kent Brockman who initially declined the story, but eventually accepted it. Breaking the story got him his job back.
The "ingredients" on the packet are Water, Fun and Hydrogenated Chuckles.